"It was actually very civil."

"Did you get anything good?"

My smile widens, just thinking about my parents gift once again.

"Yeah. I did. You have to promise not to tell any of the girls when we see them tonight though. I haven't had enough time to tell them yet."

"I pinky swear. I won't say a peep."

Secrets haven't worked well for me so far, but just keeping this one until I can tell them in person seems good enough.

Connor holds out his pinky, trivial, but cute.

I latch mine onto his.

"Pop it, lock it." Twisting our locked hands, Connor touches his thumb against mine.

"Excuse me?"

"I live in a house with a 5 year old sister. Cut me some slack!" We both laugh, letting it fill the air with warmth.

After we finish laughing, I tell Connor all about the letter from Steve Barnett, and what it means.

"That's amazing!"

"Yeah. I just haven't quite wrapped my head around it yet..."

"How was Taylor?" His question didn't sound compassionate towards her, instead, worried for me.

"She was surprisingly bearable. Self obsessed, yes. Annoying, yes. But she is my twin sister."

We both look at each other for a moment, saying everything we needed to say with our eyes.

"Let's actually start this date, shall we?" Connor reached for the basket, opening it, and pulling out its contents.

My mouth instantly starts salivating.

Soon, laying out in front of us was a mound of food. There were containers filled with potato salad, and coleslaw. In another container was what looked like chicken, and in a bag off to the side was fresh bread rolls. There was also grapes, and cut up apples.

"This looks so good." Connor sits back again, after opening all the containers.

"Thankyou. I'm not going to lie, mum did help me. I'm not too great with all of this..." I smile at his honesty.

"Oh! Something the infamous Connor Marklin isn't good at?!" Acting surprised, the sarcastic comment rolls off my tongue.

"Rude!" Connor slaps me slightly on the arm, whilst me both start laughing.

I don't think I have ever felt so carefree. We ate, and talked. It was nice to be enjoying the sunshine, whilst being away from all the worries of reality.

After a couple of hours, my new position was lying on my back, looking up at the sun, whilst Connor sat next to me scribbling on his sketch pad.

"So have you decided what you are going to enter into the showcase yet?" I ask, turning my head to look at him.

"Yeah. I think so." Connor pauses, putting down his pad, looking straight at me.

"I love art. And that's what I want to do. Become an art teacher, and be the person that my teacher has been to me. I know we still have a year of school left, but everyone is saying this is the time for you to get your name out there."

"That makes a lot of sense." Thinking of Connor as a teacher makes my heart flutter. I push myself up from the ground, crossing my legs over each other to we were facing one another.

"What about you? What do you want to do?"

"Be in the music industry. I'm sure you probably have guessed that."

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