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Liam's POV

"Alright boys, The next concert is in the Philippines!" Simon cheered, we smiled. "Good luck." He added. "That's sick." Zayn said smiling widely. "Finally meeting some Pilipina fans." Niall added. "Now, go to your hotel rooms and sleep, you're leaving tomorrow." Simon stated and shooed us away. Harry was busy on his phone and I glanced at him. "Hey, Harry, what are you doing?" I asked.

"I tweeted 'Get ready Philippines' Then they all went crazy retweeting and commenting back, a Pilipina girl also direct messaged me saying 'Hey harry, I'm from the Philippines and these three girls also makes me laugh like you guys make me. They're as awesome as you are, they're Trivexia, also directioners. I wish Trivexia and One Direction can get together here in the Philippines.' Then there's a smily face." He said out loud."There's a link for this Trivexia thing." He added and clicked it.

We stopped walking and watched it. "Hey guys! I'm Katrina, This is 'Story Of My Life' by One Direction-They are awesome." A girl with cute glasses said, her name is Katrina, "I'm Ivy and just to let you guys know that we really loved it, Alex here, cried a little." A girl without glasses sitting on the middle said, Okay, her name is Ivy. "I'm Alexia, But I like being called Alex. And we're Trivexia, yes, I cried, I was just so proud of them, They've gone so far." A girl with cute big classes but still looked good with it said. She's Alex.

"Anyways, This is our cover." She said and they started singing. They looked beautiful and you can easily see who's who. When they started singing, our mouths hang open, well, Niall has the biggest mouth opened, when it ended we stared at the screen. "They're good." Zayn commented shaking his head, "I want to meet them." Niall said. "Me too." I stated as well, crossing my arms. "Well, Let's get to bed, we have a flight to the Philippines tomorrow." Louis spoke, We nodded in agreement

It's short I know, But I'll make long ones, hahaha.

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