Stan,,,my guy,,,

227 3 4

That bastard.. I trusted him!

The school bus pulled up to a stop at the school. Everyone rushed out to meet their friends and I noticed Kyle and butters walking together and talking. I  cursed under my breath and jumped off the bus stairs. I ran to the boy's restroom and brought along my backpack. From inside I pulled out an old, unused pencil sharpener  and miraculously managed to unscrew the bolts, I scraped the razor from the tool and brought it out. I pressed down and dragged the silver blade along my tannish skin.

The Crimson liquid seeped out from the cuts. I haven't self-harmed in a while, I forgot how good it felt! I evenly cut along my wrists until I was happy again and came out of the stall. I washed my blood off and put my jacket on as to conceal what I had done.  I hurriedly sprinted to my class before the bell rung and sat down in my respected seat.

Just barely a minute after the bell rung as loud as a siren. The class settled down once the teacher walked in and the teacher began his introduction. "Today class,we will be learning about emotions in your writing!" , "everyone take out your composition books and write about how you are feeling so far today."  We brought out our similar notebooks with black and white splotches in an uneven pattern.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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