9 Months Later

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Olivia's POV:

Everything was black. I couldn't see anything or feel anything. Suddenly, I started hearing faint voices. They sounded familiar, but I couldn't be sure. I heard the song "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga start to play. Now I was confused. I thought I was in a hospital, but most hospitals don't play Lady Gaga.

It was a girl and a boy talking. They were talking about the song and something about someone's Facebook feed. Suddenly, I heard someone gasp suddenly, and as that happened, I felt a jolt of electricity run through me. That jolt caused me to jump up and I woke up.

"Whoa! Whoa!" Cisco yells. He reaches towards a Wallis talkie and says, "Dr. Wells, you need to come to the cortex, like, right now."

Caitlin jumps up and starts inspecting the guys body. She mutters to herself. "Pupils are equally reactive to light." She then looks at him and seriously says, "I need you to urinate in this." While holding a cup to his face. Cisco grabs it out of her hands and says, "Not now, not now."

I quickly looked around the room in a ninja position. When I see that I'm in S.T.A.R. Labs I visibly relax and calm down. I see Caitlin and Cisco and then I turn around to the other gurney and see the guy I saw the night of the Accelerator.

"Whoa. Lightning gave me abs?" He asked in shock. I roll my eyes, he's probably not an athlete.

Caitlin replies strictly, "Your muscles should be atrophying but instead they're in a chronic and unexplainable state of regeneration." He nods slowly, a bit confused.
Caitlin then

I cough loudly and everyone turns around and looks at me. I say, "Well, it's nice to see you guys too." Caitlin and Cisco's faces break out into smiles and they hug me. I choke out, "I can't breathe." They let go of me and I inhale loudly.

The guy clears his throat and says, "So how long have we been out?"

Dr. Wells comes in and says, "Nine months. We have a lot to discuss Mr. Allen and Olivia."

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