Chapter Five | The Kiss

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(Your P.O.V)

I heard someone upstairs yell "NO!" so I went upstairs to hear what the commotion was about. "I dare you to go on a date with (Y/n)." someone with a deep voice say. " Fine you win I'll go on the date but you have to put up the Christmas decorations while were gone." someone with a rather high pitched voice said. I heard them start to walk so I got up and speed-walked down the stairs back to the living room and sat down on the couch. "Hey (Y/n), do you want to go into town to day and maybe go eat somewhere?" Ethan said to me with what looked like a small blush. "Sure but do you know where we are going?" I asked. "I don't really know where to go, do you know a place you want to go to?" He asked as he sat down on the couch next to me. "Um... wait I know a place we can go to." I said rather excitedly. 


When we got out of the car I walk into the restaurant and they seated us at a small table near a wall. We just kind of sat there and talked, until Ethan's phone rang. He pulled it out and looked at it. He then got up and went somewhere else but I couldn't see where. When he returned he looked like he blushing. Weird. "S-so uh... w-where did you w-want to g-go next." He shyly stuttered out with his face slowly growing more red. He's so adorable when he's blushing. "Well we could go to the Ferris Wheel on the pier." I said since I've never been on a one before. "S-sure we c-can do t-that." He stuttered out trying to form his words.


When we got to the pier I looked around. I noticed that it was full of colors, with lights everywhere. Then I saw the Ferris Wheel. It was so graceful. We got our tickets for the ride and got in. When we got to the top, you could see all of L.A, it was so beautiful. "Hey um... (Y/n)." Ethan started but soon stopped. So I looked over to him and saw him blushing like crazy. "Yeah what is..." I started but got stopped by his lips meeting mine. I felt my face start to heat up. After I realized what was happening I kissed back. When we pulled away I looked straight into his eyes. "(Y/n) I-I love you." Ethan told me. "I love you too Ethan" I said back as I kissed him again.

Hey guys sorry I took so long to update. Also thank you so much for almost 2k reads, it means a lot to me that you like this story. Btw sorry that the kiss scene is terrible it's my first time writing one.

Just You And Me (CrankGameplays X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora