"Hey Chris!"I yell.He turns around and raises an eyebrow

"What Lilly want to apoligise?"He smiles.

"Naw just wanted to tell you that you suck is all...."I smile innocently

"Stupid she-wolfs!"Chris murmured but i heard him.

"Hey i heard that!"I yell back at him.

"Good!Whatever i dont care!"He saws as he waves me off.

"Haha that was fun i should mess with him more often!"I say turning to Logan who was shanking his head and Seth who was trying not to laugh.

"Lilly are you going to be this much trouble more often?"Logan asks.I pretend to think for a second.

"Yeah probally!"I smile.

"Wow Lilly real mature!"He says as he opens the cage door and steps away from it.Me and Seth walk out at the same time.

"What thats it you built this cage for me for two days?"I ask slightly confused.

"No but i want awnsers!"

"Haha you want anwsers!You!Dont you think i should be getting anwsers instead of you?"I yell having a slight anger out burst."Sorry Logan i just *sighs*it was just a anger out burst."

"Its okay Princess but i just want to know who that Seth guy is so you wanna tell me?"

"This is one of my packs best trackers Seth and he was sent to find his 'missing' alpha!"I smile.

"But how did they find you Lilly he covered your scent and he cut your mindlink to your pack members!"

"Haha silly alpha male why do you think hes one of our best trackers?"I ask

"I dont know because of his good scence onf smell?"Logan asks

"Yes but also because of his determination and high spirit and love for smelling!"I say proud.Just as an alpha should be.Proud of what their pack members are.

"Well he must leave we start training today and cant have any distractions!"Logan booms.

"What about the girls their a distraction?"I ask.

"Taken care of already Lilly we gave them money and an appointment at a spa so we could train!"Logan smiles.

"Okay by Seth ill see you around soon i hope!"I hug Seth.

"Bye Alpha Lilly!"He says hugging me still.

"Yeah dude we get it you guys said your goodbyes bro so Duces,peace,adios,bye,see ya,later aligater!"Shan says as he walks in.

"Hey!Dont be mean!"I say hitting Shans arm.

"Yeah Good luck with these guys Lilly i can see your going to need it!"Seth says as he runs off.

"Thanks i could use all the luck i can get with these two!"I say as Seths figure fades into the forest.

"Aww Lilly you know you love us!'Shan says poking me in the ribs.

"uhuh yeah sure i do!"I say walking towrds the house.I hear heavy footsteps behind me and then Shan gets infrount of me and starts walking backwards and making stupid faces.

"Shan knock it off your gunna bump into something!"Logan yells from behind us.Shan sticks his tounge out and squints his  eyes.

"Shan turn around!"I smile at him.

"No!"He laughs 

"Im not playing turn around!"I smile even widder.

"No way Lilly!"He smiles.

ALPHA GONE MISSINGWhere stories live. Discover now