RBMAM-FBALV - Xander's struggle

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I've gotta dedicate this to her. Thank you for the new cover! Myjaw really dropped when I saw it! I love it Pancho97!! Well done!  

RBMAM-FBALV - Xander's struggle

'  My mate is feeling better now. Yeah... we are so sorry from the delay of our wedding. Yeah.. We've decided that we shall not hurry our wedding. Maybe we shall wait for months before we organise all of it again.. Yes.. thank you my old friend. '' 

After I hung up the phone, I sighed and massaged my temples. My temples was throbbing, my throat feels like it was on fire and my chest still hurts. If only my angel is here, she must be massaging my temples now... She would smile sweetly and then offer her vein and feed me.. Then I would feed her too.. let her take as much as blood as she wants. 

I let out a growl when I realised she's in the Therianthrope bloodlines pack. With that DOG.  Suddenly, I heard a snap. Then I realised the phone I was holding was snapped into two parts.

With a gentle shossh of wind, Drake dematerialised in my office.

'' The rest of the council was very angry and disappointed from the delay. '' Drake said without preamble. '' Especially Abel. '' he added then his fangs lengthened because of anger. '' If someone from the council will know about Lyka and the pack, I am certain they will execute her. '' 

I sat stiffly on my chair. Surely, they will. As if on cue, I remember what happened that night, three days ago.  They were so angry... oh yes. Especially the oldest Elder, Abel. 


'' What do you mean, the wedding is cancelled? '' One of the higher elders, Abel asked. His voice was full of annoyance, dissapointment and anger. I can hear their conversation from downstairs. Vampire warriors are surrounding the whole mansion from outside and inside.

'' I'm sorry but.. something bad happened. ''  Drake answered, calmly.

'' But you all dont need to worry, she's fine now. ''  Stephen added with the same tone. Cold. Blank and calm.

Yeah, maybe.. she's fine now with her true mate. I thought as I cut off the flashback three days from now. Among all the Elders in the council, Abel was the most cruel and vile. He kills his enemies, drank their blood and drain them. He has tons of women. He loathes other creatures and cares a little only for the creatures of his specie.

But many decades ago, I knew Abel as a very good and worthy man. No one exactly knows what was the cause of his sudden change especially why he loathes all werewolves, dead or alive. 

Vampires and werewolves in the early ages really loathe each other because they treat each other as competitors for food and territory. However, as the years gone by, peace treaties and allies for vampires and werewolves were slowly increasing. And I knew Abel was allied to three or five packs. 

However, an incident changed Abel. What's the incident? No one really knows how or when. Rumours said that his mate was raped and then killed by werewolves while  Some said his mate ran away from him and joined a werewolf.

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