The end

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8 years later.

Stiles sat on the couch,watching as Jay Jay and allison ran around the house...yeah gienim decided to pick another name aswel....
He heard silent cries coming from his bedroom and sighed,slowly standing up he made his way to his room and opend the door.there he saw his little todler laying on the ground,his fox hood had fallen off and his finger was slightly bleeding.

"Laura i taught you were going to watch your little brother"stiles said as he went over to his son and looked his 7 year old in the eye,she shrugged.

"'s totaly my fault...i mean i shouldn't have left them alone..."stiles looked to the door to see elisa standing there in all her pride,stiles smiled at her.

"No it is shoo laura go play with allison and jay jay...i'm going to patch up your little brother"stiles said,his daughter quiqly jumped of of the bed and ran out,gladly avoiding trouble with her other dad who wouldn't be as calm as stiles had been.

"W-where's daddy"the little todler in his arms asked as he rubbed his eyes tiredly...seeming to have forgotten his hurt finger.stiles rolled his eyes at the kid and went down the stairs as elisa followd him.

"You know daddy has to do some wolfy stuff to do baby..."stiles said as he went to the couch where he was seated previously and set his child on his lap,elisa lowerd herself fown on the armrest and smiled...

"You seem than normal"
She said with a wierd look on her face,stiles sighed and he grabed a book from the tabel next to him.
He set peter down on the ground and the todler amediatly stumbled over to the rest.amilia,scott's kid was about the same age as peter and koa there youngest was only 2 years younger then peter...but they were still pretty close friends...

Stiles mentiond for elisa to look as he opend the book to reveal photo's...
They were of him and derek...and of him and peter....

"This is the day he tried to prepose to me so many years ago...when i lost my memories...but this is also the day that i adopted you after your father past away and we got the good news...this is the day i lost him...
And the day i lost my mind before i ever knew we were meant to be....
This day has braught me closer to the ones i love...if it was out of fear...sadness or just pure happyness happend on this day..."stiles sighed as he traild his hand over the picture of him and scott...before anything had happend...when life seemed boring...he wiched that he knew how life would have played out...if scott wasn't bit....he'd probebly have been draged into the spernatural one way or the other...maby even bitten by peter instead of scott that night.

He turnd the next page to see a picture of his mother,golding baby him up with a bright smile,his dad was taking the picture as you could see in the mirror.

"Who's that?elisa asked pointing at his mother,stiles looked up at her,tears wanting to fall.

"M-my mom...she eh...she and my dad passed i gues even my own children will never know there grandparents..."stiles said,he realised one thing...they were the new start of there family.

"Oh i'm sorry"elisa mumbled sadly,stiles shook his head and whiped away the tears as he sniffed.

"It's nothing sweety...i'm just a little emotional...go hang out with liam for a bit...i'll come check on you once i get peter in his bed again"stiles said as he smiled t her.she was not sure weather to just leave her dad like that but decided not to question need to get him mad.

Stiles sighed as elisa disapeard out of sight.he quietly stood and smiled as he saw the kids.

"Comon peter,amelia,koa...get your butt's up the stairs before scott get's home and sees you are still up."stiles said.he heard quiet groans of disaproval but saw the 3 kids stumble up the stairs.

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