Chapter 2- A Chance Encounter

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                    Chapter Two


Phillip Edward Ashton Farnsworth, the ninth duke of Newbridge stood in front of the large windows overlooking his study and frowned down at the scenery below him. The window provided him with a clear view of the rolling countryside, impossibly green at this time of the year, and strangely devoid of human life, something that he found most annoying indeed. He hated the country, and much preferred the bustle and noise of London to this desolate wasteland of boorish people. He cursed and turned away as a surge of cold fury surged through him. He was not in Millcote to stand around admiring the fields, but to deal with a particular nuisance in the form of a certain Edward Inglewood. If his informant was correct and the fool was indeed moving into his territory, then he would make sure the insipid pup was silenced as quickly as possible so he could return to London. His lips quirked sardonically and he felt a rush of excitement at the thought of a duel. Ah yes, it had been a while since his fighting skills had been called into play and he relished the thought of soundly whipping this said Mr. Inglewood.

He picked up the slim file on his writing desk and scrutinized it once more. As usual, his secretary George, had been very thorough in discovering all he could about the Inglewoods. An impoverished family barely clinging to a barony, consisting of an absentee father, Sir Edward Inglewood, one son, and two daughters, none of whom were married. He snorted in derision and placed the dossier back on the desk. He certainly could not fathom why the lad's father had not put an end to his son's frolicking, although it was possible he was not aware of it yet, or perhaps, he was in support of his son and hoped to secure Jane Rosebury's inheritance to restore his languishing estates. At any rate, Philip did not care for the reasons, simply in putting a stop to such plans.

His first order of business would be to call on the viscount and speak to Jane. He would deal with Edward Inglewood after that. Ringing the bell to summon his butler, he flipped through the dossier once more, this time paying attention to the female Inglewoods. The eldest Miss Inglewood was twenty six, an old maid firmly on the shelf and the younger was eighteen and described as quite the beauty, with good marriage prospects. His lips twisted in a sneer. A discreet knock sounded at the door and he tossed the papers aside.

"Enter!" He called out.

Graves entered and bowed smartly, carrying his master's overcoat. "Your horse is ready, Your Grace."

Philip glared at the man, a scathing retort hovering on his lips. He had requested a fresh mount a half hour ago. "What the devil took you so long? I may have well walked to Brushwood and back in the time it took you to fetch me a horse."

"Forgive me Your Grace, the stable lads were not..."

"Be quiet and hand me my coat," Philip cut in briskly, he snatched the garment and strode out the study, "I ought to terminate your services at once, you should count yourself fortunate I have no time to find myself another butler."

Graves trembled slightly as he hurried after the duke. He silently prayed for the duke's business in Millcote to be concluded so the man could return back to London and leave him in peace.


Philip dismounted at the end of the carriageway of the Rosebury's country home, his eyes taking his surroundings at a glance. He noticed the small woman he'd passed at the gates walking toward him slowly, favoring her right leg with each step. She was probably a maid, a lady's maid by the looks of her drab, but still slightly fashionable black dress and matching hat, indicating she was well paid or something of the sort.

"You there, is your mistress at home?" he called out to her as she neared him. She looked startled and turned back, apparently wondering if she was the one he addressed. Servants! Philip groused, they were the same everywhere, nothing but incompetent.

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