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Chapter 3: Me and my wild heart

Now I realized that that 'Kim Taehyung' guy is not just a playboy. He's a jerk, heartbreaker, an asshole with no heart. To make it as simple word, A Bad Boy. That's he is.

A day has passed and I feel like I'm in a dead position where I accidentally saw his bad work. And that bad work was when I'm in the library. Trying to find book for me to read for history homework, I let my feet lead me to the last shelf on the last corner which is a bit quiet and less people. And there he is sitting with his friends drawing doodles and ripping the libary properties.

Because of that I had the urge to wash my eyes with holy water. Damn that was a sinful memory for me to see. Thanks god he just left without doing or saying anything to me. Really, Thank godness. But i remember his death glare i got.

Also the same day at lunch, Not just me but everyone in the cafeteria saw that. A scene where his girlfriend threw an atomic bomb and it explodes. She's mad at him cause he threw her. Threw like dumped her.

But somehow looking at her, she deserves it. With her kinda slutty attitude she deserve to be dumped into the pits of hell. Haha now I sounded like the person who worked in church.

It's all because me addicted with Supernatural movies. But as predicted that so called 'Awesome Taehyung' shut her up with his whispering talent.

And still, even after looking at that incident, Girls are still chasing after him like a hungry zombie.

It's lunch break and poor Eunmi's helping Ms.Yoo carrying her tons of Gucci bags to her car leaving me sitting alone in my seat in class so I decided to sleep and rest my head on the table.

Yup. Gucci. She's one fan of Gucci until Eunmi told me that she realize that she wore Gucci branded underwear when Eunmi's in a school camp in seventh grade. Now that Eunmi's twelve grade, she said she's not so sure.

"I guess your noisy friend is leaving you alone?"

I heard a man's voice behind me. I raised my head and turn my back to saw a pale cute guy with black hair sitting on Taehyung's chair.

And yes that kim taehyung is sitting behind me with his annoying friend. I know him. He's one my classmates and he sits far away from mine on the last row too but opposite taehyung.

(Taehyung seat on the last row and Jihyun seats in front of him. And this pale guy seats last row as well but on the other side. Okay this is hard to explain but you get the picture right?)

"Umm yeah. She's helping Ms.Gucci with her bags" I answered like he's my friend. Well he is actually. He's in the same class which means he's a friend right?

"Ms.Gucci? That's quite a nice nickname given from a new student" He chuckled as his lips perfoms a smirk. In a good way. I guess he didn't realize that.

And I totally forgot that I accidentally called Ms.Yoo 'Ms.Gucci'. Holy crap.

"Hahah, yeah. She always wore--"

"I know. Silly right? The most silly part is where all of the students starts gossiping about her and her Gucci obssesions when we're in seventh grade. She wore a Guccci Underwear when we're having a school field trip. Girl student saw it when they're having a public bath together. It's the most hottest news in school at Seventh Grade" He laughed. That's the same story Eunmi telled me. But I just laugh it off.

"Anyways, wanna have a walk around while I show you how this school is? You haven't have a tour around right?" He stands up offering his hand to me. Wait. What is this situation? Is he asking me to holds hand with him? Or does he wanna help me stand? Or he normally wanna high-five? What should I do?

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