trial worries

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"Yeah the morning after you left; he wanted to make sure I was okay, he didn't want anyone else to leave. which I feel horrible about now. He said he knew someone who would help me I met her the next evening before the big family row she's stayed in contact with me since" Nicole apprised

"that was so sweet!" Renee sang

"Seriously sweet!" Nicole agreed

Hmm oh I was meant to meet Dean

"ohhh" Nicole sang

No Nicole... sighed maybe if Emma never did what she

Wait what did something happen between y

"Well I'll tell brie bye!

By the time Nicole got up after her Renee was down the flat stairs

" later on then?"


Renee and Dean head to the garden rooftop

Wow it's been a while since being up here

Yeah 4 weeks away from this place is more like four years Dean agreed as they approached the newly set up swing

Renee gasped

I may have planned it a week before you left it's all set up and steady

" will you push me" Renee emitted gleefully

"Sure!" Renee runs over sits as Dean pushes her lightly on the swing then jumped onto behind her as Renee laughed like she was a 8 year old girl Dean soon sat beside her as the swing slowed

This is definitely a great addition

Glad you like it I'm getting a cactus next

"Now your not" Renee nudged lightly

"Watch me!" Dean declared

Haha do you think they will ever notice

Nope... far as they know the door is locked Dean took out the key to the door and winked

Haha it was before you got it open

"True so it's mine"


"How did talking to Nicole go?"

Really well we both got to get stuff off our chests she forgave me... she was cut of by Dean

"Hey thought I told ya you have nothing to feel guilty about" Dean reminded her

"But I do I wasn't there for the girls..."

"And what did she say about that!"


Dean nods victorious of that talk

"Hey so nic told me you brought her lawyer?" Renee quizzed

Dean started to zip his jacket zip up and down a few times just "so we are clear I have not stole..." Dean tells her

"Never said you did"

".... I don't really talk about this but before I even met any of you guys I had a lot of crap in my life..."

"It's okay.... just know that I'm here for you" Renee echoed

Dean smiled thank you... The lawyers name is Lisa she was my mom's cousin... I have been running from her for so long...


She was only 17 when I lost my mom.... my dad well he wasn't around alot after that but she would try to take me away from him I would run away then give it a couple of months and go back home... she stuck her nose in a lot but I never knew why until 4 months ago the witch found me after 2 years she saw I was happy living with seth and his mom so she saw let me be and now we are cool and she's a brilliant lawyer... anyways she had been given my mom's will until I turned 18 and I gave her my dad's to I've never looked at them but she said my mom was a brilliant business woman hint minted

"What really?!"

Yeah I couldn't believe it either but mom didn't want money to make her life she wanted to do it with my dad... but yeah shes won 14 of her casees 9 being the same situation as Nicole Dean stopped

.... you really trust me she chimes
"Off course... only you seth and roman know about the wills and only seth and his mom knows about my mom promise me..."

"I promise!" They both just stared at each other as the swing stopped Dean started to lean in but Renee noticed and pretends to shiver

"You cold?"

A little she got up as did Dean here wraps his jacket round her

"hmm.." she hummed

"Better?" He questioned she nods

"How do I look in your jacket?" she teased

"Haha suits ya... It don't carry ya" Dean laughed

"Hey I'm not that short?" She protested

"Yeah Yeah..." he then went from chuckling to being serious so what do you think about the pagie thing?"

I just I don't want to believe it she's the youngest out of all of us if she did maybe she didn't realise or

"Or she was blackmailed because I can believe that!" Dean admits but I don't know I don't think she is...but maybe we can get the guilty party to come clean...

I'm listening....

End chapter

Hmm what's deans plan?

The trial gets underway....

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