"Octava,we are sending Ms.O to your location.The canoe will get there shortly after Ms.O does.So prepare yourself."

Octavia was completely bewildered.She was lost.How did a canoe,and a sword come into the mission?It was all odd.It made no sense what so ever.

"Agent!!Are you even paying attention at all?"
Ms.O had appeared next to Octavia when she wasn't looking.Serves her right for not knowing exactly where most of the tubes transport you to.Many things were in her mind,so she couldn't actually think right.

"Oh.Sorry Ms.O!!"
Ms.O placed her goggles around her neck.Right as she took a step to her left,a long canoe was floating towards them.
"The canoe is here.We need to go then."
Ms.O agreed and began running towards the brown wooded object.Octavia followed five steps behind her.

"Here's the plan,I'll go underwater to grab the key,while you fight off the flying laser chimps.I come up and then we head towards the abandoned forest.Alright?"
Octavia nodded and continued after her boss,she stopped shortly and opened her mouth to speak.

"Wait.....what flying laser chimps?"
Ms.O growled but grabbed Octavia's hand and pushed her into the canoe.She just couldn't deal with this at the moment.She needed to get their Odd Squad Ambassador back along with their TV that had been stolen.

"Just never mind!!"
They rowed out into the middle of the river,which had turned really really deep for some reason.When they were even more out into the middle,Ms.O prepared herself to jump in.She had gone over the plan with Octavia about 30 times before she eventually got what they were to do.

"I'll be right back."
Octavia just watched Ms.O jump in the water and disappear before swimming back to the surface,with a key on her hand and seaweed on her head.How is there seaweed in a river?!!
"Let's go!!We don't have much time."

Octavia had so many questions to ask.How did Ms.O get the key in less than a minute?Why did they need the key?Where where they going?Yet she decided to keep her questions to herself,until she could ask them.They arrived at a small pier that was connected to the abandoned forest.Octavia couldn't lie,it was really.......creepy.

"Follow me!!"
Ms.O led her to a small house and put the key inside the key hole.The door opened up to a big fancy looking living room.
"This is where we need the hair pieces."
She took out the plastic baggie and dangled it in front of the blonde.


We need to balance these pieces of hair with that object on the balance beam.But there's a problem-"
The house begun shaking and rumbling.They were here.The monkeys had awoken and were heading there way,which was downstairs.
"Uh oh...here they come!!"

This was a chance for Octavia to prove that she could do whatever without Oz.She looked at Ms.O and smiled.
"I got this Ms.O....take your time I'll fight them off."
She turned back around to face the monkeys and reached behind her back.
"Shield up!!!For ODD SQUAD!!"

Ms.O looked at the small Lego piece on the balance beam and reached into the baggie.Now that she thought about it,touching the hair was sort of disgusting but she placed it on the beam either way.

Luckily,Oscar's hair was just enough to balance out both beams.She needed them to even so it could open up the secret entrance,which held the ambassador and the TV.

Octavia had already managed to fight of the monkeys and was now rushing to Ms.O's side.There was the ambassador,laying on the top of the TV.He purred then stretched out before laying back down.

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