Chapter 9

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When I was about to enter my dad's old room, I decide not to and I enter Ken's office.

"What are you doing here?" Caleb asks me while putting a hand on the speaker phone.

"Hm... This is my grandfather's office so... I'm the one who should be asking that question." I sit on the table and look directly into his eyes.

"Do you wanna go out?" He asks after a brief moment of silence. Say what?

"With you?! Never." I get up and take a random book out of the shelve, trying to ignore his hurt look.

"What? Why don't you want to go out with me?" He gets up and meets me by the bookshelf. His glare is super intense but I won't get distracted by it. "Do you have any idea of how many girls wanted to be in your place?"

"It goes against my principles hang out with people like you!" I say putting my hands on his chest and pushing him away. He starts laughing and it is the most annoying sound I've ever heard. And trust me, I know what I'm talking about, I've heard my mom sing.

"Oh does it?"

I wait a moment before I answer. "Hm, yeah."

"Says the girl who was hitting on me when we first met."

"Personal space, okay?!" I gesture to the space between the two of us and I use the book on my hand to make a statement. "Get any closer and you'll be eating this book. And just to clear things up, I was drunk and when I'm under the influence of alcohol I'm a completely different person!"

"I think you should, at least have dinner with me tomorrow, since you gave me a black eye." He shows me the inflamed area.

"Oh... Do you think so?" I place my hand on his cheek smiling. "Well, we've just had dinner together you know?" He places his hand on my waist and I hear steps on the hallway.

"I meant alone." He looks like he's about to kiss me and in the same time the door is opening I sit on the chair in front of Ken's desk.

"Hey Em, I'm..." Addy looks confused as she enters the room. "Hm, I'm sorry, I'll leave you two alone!"

"No!" I say and walk to her. "Are you going back to campus?"

"Yeah but, granny was hoping we'd stay here tonight." She looks at Caleb with a smile then back at me. "Hi Caleb!"

"Hi!" He says while texting someone. "Well, I need to go, but Emery my invitation is still up. Talk to you later." Before the blondie leaves the room he kisses my cheek and I make a disgust face.

"Who the hell does he think he is?" I see him walking down the hall and Addy looks at me with suspicion all over her face.

"Don't!" I tell the curly brown haired girl who is sustaining the laughter.

"I didn't say a thing!" She quickly defends herself and we climb down the stairs to say goodbye to our grandparents and go to our dorms.

When I wake up I find myself considering Daddy's proposal. It's about six a.m. and a sudden will to exercise takes me to run before class.

If I go I'll probably gonna regret it later, but at the same time if I don't go I'll still be curious about his sudden interest on me. The morning is cold and what I'm really regretting is not bringing a jacket. Damn Emery, what were you thinking?

I stop by a bench and lean on it. Apart from being cold, it is a very beautiful morning and I'm hoping the rest of the day will be the same.

My way back is equally pleasant. Tasha is still in bed and I decide to wake her.

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