2x18 ( Boom!)

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* Castle run to Beckett apartment*

Castle POV

I was talking on the phone with Kate when her apartment explodes. I was scared and afraid that Beckett is dead. The building was burning but at this time I don't care I run to her loft while I yelling her name.

- Castle... - finally I heard she's trying to say my name.

- Kate, where are you? - I tried to climb across the burning beams.

- At the bathroom. - she said louder.

-Oh Kate you are alive and you are naked... - first I didn't realize what I just saw and said but then..woow.

- Castle, turn around! - I do what she asked for me. - Give me my towel or my clothes - I really want to give it to her but it was impossible.

- Everything is burning. - I said.

- Give me your coat, but DON'T look at me, do you understand? - she stressed.

- Okay, okay just get out of here. - she put on my jacket and I helped her to get out of the tub. - Can you walk? - asked her while we tried to go out.

- I can. - she said but she can't. I picked her up bridal style and got out of there.

-Castle put me down I can walk! - she yelled while I sat down with her to the bench.

- Beckett calm down! - I said while I put her down right beside me.
- Miss, you have to come to the hospital. Can you walk or we can get a wheelchair in case you can't. - a nurse came to us.

- I think it's better if I'm sitting in a wheelchair. - she said and a paramedic got the wheelchair and we are sat into the ambulance and went to the hospital. I went with her to the doctor and after when he checked her up we were going to my loft.

- My mother did for you the guestroom, you can sleep there. - smiled at her.

- Thanks, for everything. - she smiled back, I'm just in love with her smile. I just love her.

- I think I'm getting a shower, 10 minutes and I'm back. Dinner at the table. - and I went to get a shower. When I was in the living room I saw my mother was talking with Kate.

- Whatever she said don't believe it. - I said while I sit next to Kate and she laughed.

- I go to sleep kiddos, good night. - and my mother went upstairs.

- You want to sleep or we can watch a movie. - helped her to get up from the chair.

- Which one do you want to see it? - she asked.

- What about some horror? - I look at her with a cheeky smile on my face.

- A horror? - she asked.

- Oh Detective Beckett are you scared? - I teasing her.

- No, I'm not! - she said confidently.

- Okay, let's watch the Mirrors. - a grin was on my face while I put the CD to the DVD player. While some scary part was in the film she put her face to my shoulder. When the film was ending she wasn't want to let my pj shirt go.

- Kate are you okay? - I put my arm around her.

- Yeah, it was good. Have nice dreams Castle! - she got up and went to the guestroom. I was sitting alone on the couch writing for some hour when Kate walks in.

- Castle, are you still awake? - a familiar voice whispering.

- I'm not sleeping. - I said - Why are you awake? - I turned my head to her.

- I can't sleep. - slowly she walked towards me and sat down.

- I know you are lying.

- I-I had a nightmare that's all. - she said and that's was the conversation's end. We weren't say anything more, she just put her head to my shoulder and after 2 minutes she fell asleep. I pick her up in bridal style and get her to her bed and after I went to my room and sleep. In the morning I wake up to the smell of some egg and bacon and coffee. I got up from my bed and went to the kitchen.

- Hmmm it smells good. - I said in a sleepy voice and I sat down on a chair.

- Good morning! - she smiled - I made some coffee too. - and she cast coffee to my mug.

- Thanks. - I smiled

- Do you know how am I get into my bed? My last memory is that I was sitting on the couch with you. - she sat next to me.

- You fell asleep on my shoulder and I carried you to the bed. - I eat my breakfast.

- Thanks - she smiled. After we finished breakfast we accidentally stand up at the same time and bump into each other and she fell to the floor.

- I'm so sorry. - I helped her up and I get lost in her hazel eyes.

- Don't - she smile and I lean on and kissed her. I can't deny it anymore. I thought she will push me off but I was wrong, she kissed me back.

- I can't deny it anymore Kate. - cast my forehead to her.

- You don't have to. - she smiled.

- I love you - kissed her again with more passion.

- I love you too. - she kissed me with more passion and love ❤

Sooooo here is my first one shot
O think it's a little bit boaring but pls vote and comment if you want next
Xoxo MiniZelena 😘

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