Minor Setback...

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I thought it was a great idea to set this one aside while I was working on Accident, and then ended up simply waiting until I was back from my vacation to continue writing.

Except now I've completely lost track of what I wanted to do.

It feels even worse with this particular story because I was actually enjoying writing it. I really was.

But now I can't seem to get back into the groove of it. I feel like I've completely lost direction.

So I'm not sure if I should start over. If I decide to go that route, it won't change too much. The idea will be the same (the reader being the creator, I mean... I liked the concept).

My main concern is Bonbon... since I lost direction, I feel like I forgot how he's supposed to be acting. That's what's driving me nuts.

I don't know. Any advice?

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