Alek went home and slept, looking forward to the next few days for once.



Alek woke to the sound of a camera shutter and giggling which automatically caused him to fly up from his bed, and off it.

He automatically got the chills as he was leaving his warm blankets for the cold floor, only in his boxers.

He looked up to see Eva, Jonas, and Isak crowding around him laughing.

"Is this a nightmare?" Alek asked shivering, whilst looking up at them.

"You wish." Jonas laughed as Isak showed Alek his phone, which was on an instagram post.

IsakYaki: check out this sleeping beauty @aleksanderhold

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IsakYaki: check out this sleeping beauty @aleksanderhold

"Really?" Alek asked looking up at him, only for him to nod with a giggle.

"Why are you guys even here?" Alek asked standing up grabbing the first shirt he seen so he'd feel less naked.

"Making sure you didn't miss class." Eva pitched in with a smirk causing Alek to roll his eyes.

"This early?" He whined, gesturing to the clock reading 5:39 am, "All this doesn't come naturally, it needs its beauty sleep." He smiled gesturing towards himself.

"Just shut up and get ready." She simply replied laughing and walking out of the room, the rest of the group following.

Alek quickly pulled on a maroon sweater over his t shirt, before slipping on his black beanie and a pair of skinny jeans.

He walked out of his room down the stairs and out his front door, where the group was waiting. Though he quickly ran back inside after realizing he'd forgotten his shoes.

The crew messed around a bit before actually heading towards the school, but when they did, the walk was fast.

Alek was actually excited for this day, as Saturday night popped in his mind. Though it was mostly just Chris.

Alek wasn't good exactly good at secrets, he always has to fight the urge to blab or brag and sometimes the urge takes over.

So this secret, of whatever the boys had, was gonna take some work.

Alek walked into the school with Isak as Jonas and Eva headed off to their own classes.

Alek's eyes kept searching around for hazel ones as Isak ranted on about something. Isak noticed Alek's lack of sarcastic comments and looked at him.

"Looking for someone?" He asked getting infront of Alek's face.

"Huh? No." Alek laughed out, shaking his head, causing Isak to raise his eyebrows before muttering a 'if you say so'.

"Isak, I gotta get to class, I'll see you after."

"But we still have like five minutes."

"I know. It's just, I gotta be early to get a good seat." Alek lied, giving Isak a side hug before slipping away into the school building.

He wasn't sure what he was doing, or why he lied to Isak. He hadn't talked to Chris since that night, which was probably the reason he started this quest.

As he made his way up the stairs, Alek finally locked eyes with the boy he was looking for. Chris was making his way down the stairs and automatically met Alek's eyes.

Alek smirked but Chris's face seemed to drop.

"Christoffer," Alek exclaimed with now a smile, only to be shut down as Chris blew right past him. Bumping into him as he passed.

His best friend William, following behind him.

"Who was that?" Alek heard William ask Chris, as Alek turned around glaring at the two who didn't seem to notice, as they kept walking.

"Hell if I know."

also sorry for the slow updates it's break and I've been a busy gal (but more lazy tbh)
but please enjoy this horrid yet beautiful gem
also leave comments they make me feel like Alek when he first kissed Chris tbh

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