TWO ✔️

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Aurora looks at the two vampires in front of her, intimidated

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Aurora looks at the two vampires in front of her, intimidated. One she finds just plain creepy and the other super big. Don't judge a book by it's cover, she reminds herself, sending the two a bright smile. The smaller one sends her an amused smirk back.

The group was interrupted by the slight patter of heels on floor drawing their attention to a girl cloaked in black walking down the hall toward them.

"Enough." She commanded taking down her hood. Her tone was strong, and the other two guards seemed to listen to her.

"Jane." Edward greeted, looking down slightly.

"Aro sent me to see what was taking so long." The blond said simply, sending cold looks to the two boys before turning on her heel and walking away. It was a silent command to follow, Aurora realized.

"Just do as she says." Alice told Bella and Aurora as they looked to her for guidance. Aurora nodded, staring after the blonde vampire. She was quite pretty, Aurora decided.

They turned down a hall, where the taller one, Felix, shoved a coat into Edwards arms. They continued down the hall until they reached winding stairs, "Go ahaead." Jane tells Edward and Bella. She stood at the platform, allowing the group to pass her.

"Don't be scared." Edward told Bella, heading down the stairs. He cast a glance back at Aurora, nodding to her.

"Are you?" Bella asked

"No." Edward assured her. Jane let out a scoff behind her, and Aurora felt an amused smile fall on her face.

They were led to an elevator and Jane stepped to the side letting everyone else get on. She glanced at Aurora, her cold and authoritative demeanor dropping as her eyes widened. Quickly, she dropped her head, entering the elevator last and pushing a button.

The ride down was filled with an awkward silence. The only sound filling the elevator was Italian Opera. Bella, Alice and Aurora briefly looked to each other, only looking away when the smaller male guard, Demetri, fixed them with a stare of his own.

When the doors finally opened, Jane led them past a desk where a human lady sat. Quickly, the woman stood up, greeting the small group excitedly. The red-eyed vampires ignored her presence, while Aurora and Bella cast her curious glances. Why would the Volturi keep a human in their headquarters.

Aurora only half listened to Bella and Edwards conversation about the receptionist, eyes wandering around the halls. They were large and ornate, making Aurora feel small, shrunken.

"And so she will be." She heard Demetri say. Admittedly, Aurora was unaware of what he was speaking about until Jane chimed in.

"Or dessert." She led them to large doors that were rich in color, covered in a scaled pattern. To Aurora, they looked incredibly heavy, yet Jane easily pushed them open with little effort.

They entered an ornate grand room. Everything was made from white stone, a cold air circulating through, causing goosebumps to rise on Aurora's arms. Three men sat at the front on chairs-well, more like thrones. Various guards were stationed around the room.

"Sister." A brunette with young boyish features greeted. "They send you out to get one and you bring back two. And two halves. Such a clever girl."

Aurora leaned towards Edward, muttering quietly, "Does he know that two halves make one or..."  She retreated back into herself as he replied with a stern glare.

Jane smiled briefly at the remark, though no one except her brother could see it, before joining Alec's side.

The man sitting on the center throne- easily the most ornate- stood up with wide arms and a cheshire smile. "What a surprise! Bella is alive after all." He spoke, making his way towards the group.

"Isn't that wonderful?" Aurora couldn't help but marvel at the room as the man talked. In the process of doing so, she caught Jane's scarlet eyes but quickly blushed and averted her gaze elsewhere. "I love a happy ending."

Aro grabbed Edward's hand with an exaggerated sigh of relief as Bella gasped nervously at the action. "- they are so rare." He finished.

His eyes quickly flickered towards Aurora, Of course I had to be named after a fairy tale character. She mentally groaned, before catching Edwards warning look. Now was not the time for her internal commentary, apparently.

 Now was not the time for her internal commentary, apparently

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