The lair

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Venus p.o.v
After I left them with blank faces I went home and go balance myself on a bamboo stick while meditating on it


Leo: How does she know splinter
Donnie: That's one question we need to ask her not splinter cause you know how he doesn't answer our questions
They get interrupted by a ringtone
Leo: It's Venus and it says
Venus: *Hey you guys I'm sorry for not explaining everything I was in a hurry the reason why I know your sensei is that he used to train me when you guys were even born I have to go see you guys today*
Donnie: What does she mean by today
Venus: Hi you guys
All of them: Ahhh
Venus: Sorry didn't mean to scare you guys
Donnie: How did you find us
Venus: Well I put a tracking device on Mikey and I found you guys here
Mikey: That explains the beeping noises I heard
Venus: I'm smart enough to like for you guys I can even balance myself on a bamboo stick while you guys can attack me
Raph: I'll like to see you try sweetheart
Venus: Is that a challenge
Raph: You bet
Leo: I don't think that's a.....
Venus: It's alright Leo I want to see if raph here looses the bet
Raph: And if I do loose this bet
Venus: Then you owe me pizza goyza and an apology
Raph: And what happens if you loose
Venus: Then I'll give you a kiss deal
Raph: Deal
They go to the dojo and they find a bamboo stick for Venus to balance on and they get into a group huddle
Leo: We should go easy on her
Raph: What why have you have you seen what she does
Leo: No but I wanna what she can do against all of us and plus you haven't seen her in combat
Raph: okay maybe your right
Donnie: okay so whose going to attack first
They all stare at him
Donnie: Oh no
Mikey: Your the master at the Bo staff
Donnie: Yeah but not a bamboo stick why don't we each attack on each side of the dojo
Leo: Sounds good to me
Raph: Let's do this
They go to the corners Mikey went first and went for the bamboo stick
Apparently he got hit with the stick and fell to the ground Donnie went behind she tripped him with the stick and he fell to the ground. Raph tried to pin her down but she was to fast and round house kicked him in the stomach Leo was so close pinning her down but failed to do so he was lost in her eyes
Venus: You guys don't have to easy on me just because I'm a girl
Raph: See Leo
Venus: Splinter

To be continued.....

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