Chapter 29

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*Emma's POV*

After that day, I never saw Walsh again. He'd taken off like the coward he was when I took Killian inside to get cleaned up, and I couldn't say I'd miss him at all. Killian and I were planning to go to the city together to get my stuff at some point, but I wasn't too worried about it.

It didn't take long for Killian to notice I was hiding something, but he didn't push. I think we were both just so afraid to lose the other again, talking about anything too serious didn't really happen. I told myself I'd tell him soon, but the longer I waited the more terrified I became. Finally one night maybe a week later, I had to if only for my sanity.

"Killian?" I started quietly as we lay in bed watching TV that night.

"Hmm?" He simply hummed in response, his fingers drawing patterns over my skin anywhere he could reach.

"Do you still want kids?" I asked as subtly as I could. His fingers stopped and I could feel his eyes on me so I looked up to meet them. "You said you did when we were together last time, I was just wondering if you still did."

"Aye, of course I do," he sighed, tugging me closer like he always did when he was uncomfortable. "I don't know how well I'd do as a father, but I'd love to give it a shot one day."

"Good," I nodded like that was the end of it, laying my head on his chest before finishing my thought. "Because that day might come sooner rather than later."

"Swan?" He prompted anxiously when I didn't elaborate. "W-w-what exactly does that m-m-mean?"

"I, uhm," I peeked back up through my eyelashes. "I'm pregnant. I found out a couple of days ago, but I was scared to tell you... Are you mad?"

"Mad?" He scoffed a bit, cupping my cheek in his hand to be sure I couldn't look away. "How could I possibly be anything but happy about something this absolutely wonderful?"

"Really?" I asked hopefully, tears welling in my eyes.

"Come here," he grinned, lifting my chin to capture my lips with his. I gladly melted against him, so relieved I couldn't help myself. He coaxed my mouth open to deepen our kiss, my fingers locked in his hair. "Gods but I love you. And I'm going to love this child just as much, I promise you."

"I love you so much," I all but sobbed, crushing his lips beneath mine again. He responded instantly, yanking my leg over his lap so I was straddling him. I didn't hesitate to press myself against him, my body forming easily to his as if we'd always been made to be like this.

I loved that he still didn't wear a shirt to bed, making it so much easier for me to touch him the way I always wanted to. He tugged my borrowed shirt over my head, his mouth now traveling down my neck and to my chest. I relished the feeling, trying to memorize every sensation each time we were together. I never wanted to take him or any of this for granted again.

* Killian's POV *

After Emma fell asleep that night I couldn't help but just watch her. It was a regular enough occurrence for me to watch her sleep, but tonight felt different. I couldn't tear my eyes away, my fingers running over her skin of their own accord.

I hadn't bothered to ask if the baby was mine, not doubting her in the least. She said she hadn't been with Walsh in months and I believed her. I knew I should regret not using anything that first night, but even now I just couldn't. I was going to have a child with the woman I'd loved for basically my entire life, and I couldn't find a single thing wrong with that.

"Mmm," Emma's groan pulled me from my thoughts, her features scrunched. "Killian...?"

"Right here, love," I said softly, bringing her back flush to my chest and pressing a kiss to her jaw. "I'll always be right here."

"Mmm," She made a small sound that could only be described as a purr, her lips lifting into a smile. She twisted in my arms, hers sliding around me as she cuddled closer to me. "My Killian. All mine."

"All yours," I agreed with a quiet chuckle, drawing her against me and brushing a kiss to her forehead.

"You missed," she pouted, undoubtedly still asleep but sliding her hand up to pull be down to her. I tried to keep it light while letting her know she was loved but she wouldn't stand for that, our kiss breaking noisily. "Mmm, better."

"Sleep, my love," I said simply, pulling the comforter further up to cover us. "I'll still be all yours in the morning... and every morning after that."

She was already snoring softly, now utterly tangled around me. I gently extricated myself only to gather her against my chest, feeling her let out the most content of sighs as she settled in my embrace. I knew this was going to be quite the adventure, but then, every moment with her always had been.

I know it's short, but I don't know when I'll be able to get you another chapter. I... lost my little one today, and I'm handling that about as well as you'd expect. I'm going to try to channel it into my writing, but fair warning that it might be a bit longer than usual. Later, loves.

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