Chapter 15

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  As soon as Cory saw the cruisers surround the newcomers ship he ordered his squad to return to the Vengeance. Landing quickly the squad ran to the bridge to observe the response of the newcomers to being surrounded by the battle fleet.
  "Any response?" Cory asked his wife.
  "Not yet." Krystal said "T'ilvesh is waiting for an answer from them."
  Suspense grew as everyone watched the newcomers ship. Just as the tension became almost unbearable the ships comm station began to alert Shree about an incoming message. As one the squad turned and stared at Hawks mate as she listened to the communiqué.
  "Captain, the Commander requests that you and Cory join him on the Retaliator immediately." Shree relayed.
  "Tell him we're on our way." Krystal ordered as she and Cory ran out of the bridge heading to the hanger bay to get their fighters.
  As they launched they saw the newcomers launch a shuttle that looked like it was heading to the Retaliator. Flanking the shuttle Krys and Cory escorted it to the Retaliators landing bay. After the shuttle landed they set their fighters next to it. Cory climbed out of the cockpit. Upon reaching the deck he drew his sidearm which he cocked as he waited for the beings to exit their shuttle. Before the hatch appeared the Commander strode up to stand next to the couple.
  "I called you here to either confirm your suspicion or welcome a new ally." T'ilvesh told them.
  "I'm not putting my gun away." Cory stated "Not just yet."
  "OK," the Commander acquiesced "but don't be so obvious with it."
  "Only way I know of to let them know I don't trust them." Cory returned.
  As he was speaking the hatch appeared and opened. The being that stepped out was a copy of the statue on the derelict ship except for the robes. Definitely insectoid with vestigial wings laying on it's back, something that had not been visible on the statue due to the robes depicted on the sculpture. When it reached the deck the hatch closed leaving the being alone with the group. T'ilvesh handed it a translator unit which it accepted.
  "Greetings." The being began "I am (untranslatable sounds of the beings language). I lead the hive here." Gesturing to the ship he came from.
  "Hello, I am T'ilvesh." The Commander replied "the leader of this part of the Fleet. We are curious as how you came to know of us."
  "We visited a world that you retook from the vermin." The being replied "Those whose home was given back to them told us of you. The Baniath were very proud of being a part of the army you sent to free their home."
  "Why did you come from the direction of the Ruchkitay's home galaxy?" T'ilvesh asked the being.
  "Our homeworld is in the next galaxy." the being replied "Because we live underground and our atmosphere is so poisoned because of our own industries long ago they bypassed us. Therefore we can come and go when we know they occupied away from us."
  "Why look for us?" T'ilvesh continued his interrogation "You could be setting a trap for them. Why should we trust you?"
  At that the being sadly shook its head "We chanced coming to find you to help rid the Universe of the plague. That's all. I'm sorry you feel you can't believe me when I offer my races homeworld for a base to help eradicate them. They are ruining our galaxy far faster than the rest of the Universe, only because of the pollution we ourselves emitted generations ago have we been ignored but we have seen the devastation they produce. That makes it almost impossible for us to trade for what we need to survive. We are dying out due to that. Our survival as a race depends on their destruction. That is why we beg to be part of your fight. It's selfish, yes, but we can't fight them alone and win. We need your help."
  The pleading content of the beings speech moved Krystal. Cory and T'ilvesh weren't affected as much but admitted the being made sense.
  "Let me discuss this with my officers." T'ilvesh told the being "I will contact you when we have reached a decision"
  The being nodded and returned to the shuttle to return to its ship.
  "Hawk, Rufe escort our visitor back to his ship then report to the conference room." Cory said "Keep a sharp lookout. I'm not sure we can trust them yet."
  The pair nodded and left for their fighters.
  Upon reaching the bridge the rest of the squad say around the table while T'ilvesh sent word to all the commanding officers to join them on the Retaliator immediately to discuss the development and offer of the new arrivals. That done he strode into the conference room and grabbed a mug of coffee. Sipping as he paced around the room his mind racing. The offer of a base in the Ruchkitay's home galaxy excited him but he still had misgivings about it. Soon the Commander stopped his pacing when the first of the officers began to enter and take their seats in the theater sized conference room.
  The squad sipped their drinks as they watched the room fill. It took an hour to get everyone seated. There was no doubt the hanger bay was crowded.
  At last T'ilvesh raised his arms as he walked to the podium.
   "Friends, there is a decision to be made. We have been handed a gem but it could be a trap." The Commander started "The newcomers have offered their homeworld to be used as a Fleet strike base."
  Several of the people smiled, there was a murmuring throughout the conference room as they realized where the planet was located. The Ruchkitay's home galaxy. Several arguments broke out as the people took differing sides.
  After the Commander tried to quiet the crowd, he looked at Cory and nodded. Cory acknowledged the message while pulling out his sidearm. The crack of the blank cartridge echoed through the conference room. Everyone hushed, quiet ensued as the Commander began to speak.
  "The reason I called you here is to ask for volunteers to scout the galaxy." T'ilvesh said "If it looks promising we send a sub-fleet to man the base. Is this acceptable to everyone?"
  The aye's were said as one from the whole crowd.

Purge : Book Two of the Universal Conflict TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now