"No. But how will you know unless you try and see what it's like." I ran my hand through my messy hair, and then began to rub my temples. This is giving me a headache already. Yes, she did have a point. But did I really want to experiment? Something told me that this would all end in a total disaster. I just knew that something was going to happen if we went out, anything really. And what if I want to visit Paul? I guess I could do that after we went shopping...

Louis, don't be persuaded by her. Yes she's your mum, but you know you better than anyone. So does she, though...I sighed.

"Would we be out all day?"

"Goodness no! We can come home whenever you start to feel uncomfortable, and you can just relax." Haha. She honestly thinks that I can relax?

"Fine. I give up, I don't want too fight. At least not today." She laughed, and kept thanking me. Yeah yeah Louis is actually going out in public. My mind reeled. Things have seemed...calmer these past few days. Is that weird?

it feels like no fights or anything really bad have happened in my life. Yes, the poem, but I mean something bad or harmful that I did. None of that has happened, and I was just noticing that now? And what about my cursing? That had to be the weirdest part of all this. My cursing has dramatically gone down when I talk to people. I cleared my throat.

"Mum. Is it weird that...my temper has gone down lately?"


"Why not?"

"Louis, you have to understand that your body is tired. All you've been doing is fighting and running around. Not to mention that you barely get any sleep. You're run down and exhausted, which means so is your mind. That's why you don't really do that as much nowadays." She had a point. I used to be all crazy because my adrenaline was high, but now that everything has gotten slower, so has my temper. That's a good thing I guess.

"So what time are we going?"

"How about 11?" Four hours. sounds pretty good. Maybe I can just lay down.

"Alright." I continued eating my food. So far this day is going good, though I don't want to jinx anything.

Ally's POV:

I opened my eyes to the room, the sound of a knock on the door. Wait, opened my eyes? Did I actually get some sleep last night? I looked over at the clock. 6:30. My headphones are in my ears. My MP3 player. I quickly yanked them off and stuffed it all under the covers. I ran my hands over my eyes. They were sore. I had been crying last night. That's right, now I remember. For the first time I cried, and I felt a wave of relief flow through me. I must've fallen asleep while listening to music.

It feels like...I feel so much better. That song might've been a big cause of it too. It was so...relatable. It made me feel better because if someone wrote that song, they must've known the pain I felt; or least a little bit of what both Louis and I were feeling.

That's right. It's my birthday. My body shivered at the thought of a "present" from Rob. I was praying that wouldn't happen. Could he at least be nice for once and give me a little break? Who was I kidding. He isn't kind hearted at all, not one bone in his body was kind. All I could do was pray that today would be different.

It still amazed me that I actually slept last night, and it wasn't even a nightmare. It was peaceful.

The door clicked unlocking, and I almost jumped out of bed. I forgot that someone had knocked on the door. It was probably just Rob again. Or John wishing me a happy birthday. If it was Rob, I knew I was safe because he had to go to work. With Louis.

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