Chapter 21.

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Chapter 21. Kit's P.O.V

I could hear low voices in the background. I sit up and look around. The Royals were all seated in their thrones.

"Good morning Kit!" I look over and see it was Janel. I groan silently, even though she could hear me, and glared at her.

"You seem to happy today," I sad sarcastically. She smiled.

"Our King comes and he found his mate. Today they get married and he gets to see what our Slavery has done. I'm so excited," she said.

"I like how you think it's okay to abuse humans. Imagine being in their place. You wouldn't like."

"Well I'm not. By the way we're bringing up Harmony. She'll be here soon." I perk up at her name. I wonder how she's doing? I can only feel her pain.

"Is she okay?" I ask. Janel looked at me and smiled.

"Just wait. She'll be through these door's really soon." She was right. Someone came in carrying a girl and placed her besides me. I look her. Her eyes were closed and you could bruised on her body.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER!?" I scream. I pull her into my arms and cradled her.

"We had fun, that's what we did." I hiss at her and she giggled and walked off. I look at Harmony. She looked pale and weak.

"Harmony?" Her fingers twitched and she opened her eyes, they were droopy.

"Where am I?" She asked. I could see fear in her eye's. She looked so fragile, like the first time I saw her.

"You're with me now. Have you been fed?" I ask.

"No. I'm so tired. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go back." Her bottom lip trembled and tears poured down her cheeks. I bit my bottom lip and tasted blood. This will be enough to help her. I lean down and press my lips to hers. She began suckling on my bottom lip and I held back a moan. Happens when it's your mate. I knew she was done when she pulled back. Her color was coming back and her eyes looked a little less gloomy. The bruises stayed.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I smile and snuggle her against me.

"HE'S HERE!" I look up and see people running towards the door.

"Our King is here," I heard Janel say. I wasn't nervous or scared. He doesn't know anything about the slave's. I watch as he came in with the Royals following behind him. He wore black pants, shirt, and a long cape. A crown sat upon his head.

"Who are these two?" He asked as he saw us.

"My name is Kit and this is my mate Harmony," I told him.

"Janel, why are they here?" He asked. Janel smiled and walked over to him.

"While you were away for quite sometime we decided to start a business. We're holding humans down in the cell room. These two tried stopping us. We hope you like the idea," she said. The King walked over and looked at Harmony.

"Is she okay?" He asked me.

"No. She hasn't had blood and she's very weak. She's a new vampire I can't lose her either. She's my mate." He looked at me and nodded.

"Janel, you and the rest of the Royals are under arrest for capturing humans without my concern and holding two power vampire's as slaves and abusing them. Kit, she hasn't died because her power can bring anything back to life, including herself. My name is King John, I have a power that can sense what others are and I have a water bending power. I am letting you two go. Make sure she feeds."

I look at him and smile. He uncuffed me and I pick up Harmony. Janel looked shocked and confused. I laugh at her.

"That's what you get for breaking the rules," I said. The King cuffed her and I head out of the Palace with my mate. It's time to go home.

~So I did a thing lol. Hope you liked it. Comment, Vote, or Share. Stay Beautiful!!!!

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