Chapter Two Just Cuz I'm A Villain Doesn't Mean My Dreams Can't Come True

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It's just like I imagined it. I'm here, at Auradon Prep. I can't believe it! The limo stops and Faith, Ace, Hayden, and I get out. Faith leans against the limo, waiting. Mal, Ben, Evie, Carlos, and Ben come out to welcome us to school. I practically die, but I keep my cool. He and Jay are staring at me and totally in to me. They stand there and Mal and Ben introduce everyone and welcome us here. Jay and Carlos still staring at my beauty. It was great, except for the fact that Jay was staring at me. I hope this doesn't go on until the end of the year, I think to myself. They dismissed us and I go to my room and fall asleep.

Next morning, I had physics. Got everything right, as usual. Top of all of my classes, and I have straight A's. We have a break and I'm sitting at some tables outside. I see Carlos and Jay sitting at one table and they legitimately fighting over me. They're both cat calling me, as are other boys like Harry, Chad, Gil, and Doug.
"Yo, yo girl!" Carlos yells.
"It seems a bit hot outside today!" Jay hollers, opening his shirt. I pack my stuff up and get up and turn around and Gil appears and bumps into me and suavely catches me. I felt throw up boiling in my stomach but I wanted to wait for the right moment to end his life and make a run for it. I slip out of his clutches and grab my stuff.
"I will never be your lover, Gil. I literally hate you."
"No, you don't." Gil went to grab my hand and I slapped him. He stared at me and everyone else was staring as well.
"Stop trying or you'll get worse than a slap." I decided to throw up on him at this moment and then I made a run for it.

"Well, that could've gone worse." I lay on my bed in my dorm room. Faith carves "J-A-Y" on one of her cards. I draw Carlos in my sketchbook. We both heard slamming on the wall from Ace and Hayden's room. We walk out of our room to see Ace and Hayden making out.
"Oh," Faith and I walk out. We go to the tourney game, mainly for Faith to cheer for Jay. I mean, I would, but he might hear me and try to talk to me and I would forget how to function like a normal human being. I see Ben walking towards me and he stands next to me.
"Hey, I'm sorry about my behavior around Gil. He gets on my nerves and I can't help but show my emotions to him. He loves me and I despise him and his dad." I explained but he didn't seem mad. He actually seemed quite pleased.
"Mal was actually watching what you did--"
"Oh my goodness! I didn't know! I'm so--!"
"And she is overjoyed about your actions and said he totally deserved it!" I stare at him, perplexed. Is this really happening? I'm not dead? I won't be punished for attacking someone? Best day ever! I thought to myself.
"So, I'm ok?"
"Hey, we should be friends! Maybe you could introduce me to your squad." Ben hugs me. I freeze in my spot and then hug him as well. "Oh, and it looks like Jay has something to say to you." I see him singing a song about me and I hide behind my friend and I run away. I think I'm far away but bump into Carlos.
"I'm sorry about that." I grab my stuff. He holds out his hand. I take his hand and he pulls me up.
"I'm sorry if I've been a jerk to you. I just really love you." Carlos looks at me and at the moment, I never knew his eyes glimmered that much.
"Well, I love you, too. But I forget how to function like a normal human being when I see you."
"Ahhh." He grabbed my hand. We stare a bit and then he leaned in and kissed me and I kissed back. I put my arms around him and he grabbed my head. We continued kissing. The night seemed to float away as I was on cloud nine with Carlos.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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