26. He cares.

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Okay so here it's mentioned the Swan family... I wrote about them as a couple that adopted her and that's why she's Emma Swan in I Beg You so yeah don't worry all the information is in this chapter if you don't remember - even I didn't remember about it.

Also, many didn't remember about Graham last chapter (It's okay really, I understand) but Graham appeared on Emma's bday right after she blew the candles. They were at her parents's house and he knocked at the door - just like Henry in the pilot. Graham's death is going to change Emma's life and you'll see how in future chapters!

"Where's Killian, Henry? Where's Killian?" Henry, who's currently sitting on the floor stares at him and tries to understand how all of a sudden the man who was in front of him disappeared and all he sees now is a blanket. "Where's Killian? He's right heeeeere! Here!" Killian tries to reach him with his hand under the blanket.  "Come on, little lad. Pull it." Killian chuckles and picks a sneaky look from under the blanket to see that he just keep staring at him.

"Baaaaaaaa!" Henry is getting impatient. Killian vanished.

"I'm hereee! Pull it!" Killian goes with his hand under the blanket and tickles him.

That's when Emma gets home. She closes the door behind her and looks over the couch to see Killian appear from under a blanket, his hair a mess and she smiles a little at the fact that he has been playing peekaboo with her son. Again.

Killian's been trying to get him to find him so many times ever since Emma told him that the game was important for babies' growth at this stage. But Henry still doesn't get that the person is still there even if he can't see it and so he always ends up crying or just staring until he appears again.

"I brought lunch." Emma says, placing the packed food on top of the kitchen table and pretending that what had happened that morning ever happened.

"Hey..." Killian appears a minute after, holding Henry. "How's Graham?"

"He..." is dead. Gone. Never coming back. She was there in front of him. She couldn't do anything about it "... couldn't handle it."

Just like with the Swan family.
In the car accident, when she was just 7 years old... she was awake even after all those somersaults that the car did and when her father told her from the front seat to reach for her mother's seat belt that was suffocating her around her bloody neck, she didn't do it because she was too afraid. Paralyzed.
She still has a scar from that accident on her chest.

"What?" he breathes out after he places Henry in his baby chair.

"He couldn't handle it." she says again, blinking away the tears.

She had already cried enough at the hospital, her parents around her calming her down for a whole hour.

She's screaming inside. Why did he have to die with her? Maybe if it was another person in the room he would have lived. Why did life kept giving her that background pain?

He's embracing her before she knows it and she just lays her head upon his chest.

"I'm so sorry, love." he says, his lips against her hair as he rubs her back.


The funeral takes place two days after and unlike their mood, the sun was shinning a lot, making the snow melt.

Killian drives, Emma in a black dress and long coat sitting on the shotgun seat and Henry in his baby chair in the back.

They move to the back of his car, getting Henry's stroller out and the three of them walk to where her parents already are.

She knew Graham didn't have any friends without being her or her family, though pretty much everyone who lived in the same street as him came to the funeral.

She felt Killian's hand rubbing her back, comforting her even when she didn't even know she needed it, before it fell and grabbed her hand instead, their fingers intertwined.

She also noticed her mother staring at them.

She hadn't told her parents about her new relationship with Killian - well was there anything? They didn't talk about it again after that day in the swing. She's been spending all day on her computer trying to find a job and he appears from time to time to press a kiss on her cheek or to bring her food.


They're all sitting down on the couch that night with the TV on, just spending an hour until Killian has to go to work.

"Where's your toy, boy?" Killian tries the peekaboo with Henry's favorite toy this time while Emma is sitting next to them but on her computer looking for more jobs. She's seen some for waitressing, Killian even told her about a job at the same bar he worked but that would mean working when he was working and nights without Henry.

She heard Killian sigh next to her and she looked to her right to catch his eyes on her before quickly looking at the TV.

"I can't find anything different... better." Emma told him in someway of reassuring him why she's been all day on the computer ever since they got home. Why she's been ignoring him.

"I know, Emma. I'm not worried about that. I'm worried that your son can't pull a bloody blanket out of my head."

"What?" Emma said, trying not to laugh.

"It's like he doesn't even care I'm not here." Killian mumbled as he brought the blanket again to cover him.

"Baby, find Killian! Here! Pull!" Emma gave him the blanket to his hand but he didn't grab it.

"See?" Killian huffed, pulling out the blanket.

"Wait let me try." Emma said and he handed her the blanket. "Where's mommy, Henry? Where is she?"

"Baaaaaaa!" Henry jumped in his place trying to reach for the blanket. "Baaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Killian gave the blanket to his hand and he clumsily pulled it, revealing Emma (with her hair all messy from the blanket - a cute sight, Killian thought).

"You found me baby!!!!!" Emma shouted all happy and picked him by his armpits to kiss him on the nose, Henry laughing non-stop, before looking down to see Killian's betrayed face. "Okay now let's try with d- Killian."

Shit. Her life stopped for a second there. What was she going to say? Dad?!

Emma laid the blanket on him before he could even think and he chuckled.

"Where's Killian, Henry?"

Henry tried to reach him from her lap but when she thought he was going to pull the blanket, he just held onto Killian, his little arms circling around his neck even with the blanket between them.

"He's hugging the blanket." Killian laughed. "I'm here, lad."

Emma pulled out the blanket from his head but Henry kept hugging him, his baby chubby cheek against his beard and squeezing him hard and then Killian was also placing his arms around the toddler.

"He does care that you're here with him." Emma said, after she took a photo of their intimate moment.

"Aye, maybe he does." he agreed, before Henry placed his mouth open on his cheek in an attempt of a kiss.

So my wattpad got mentioned on a ThatStrawberryBlonde's youtube video. I wanted to thank you soso much because yes I get so many compliments but actually hearing someone saying it out loud? Gosh!

If anyone from here is also going to FT5 in Paris next year please comment cuz I'd love to meet as many people as I can!!

Also, yesterday I went to a Christmas party and there were many girls and boys dressed as reindeers and elves. You know what happened? Daniela got a brilliant idea for a xmacy chapter for this chapter mhuahhahaha I think you guys will like it Idk I'm still thinking about it. Just something to brighten up things after Graham's death.

Also, don't forget that Mary Margaret is really pregnant in this fanfic. Baby is coming soon!

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