"Mr.Stevens did you already heard and read about the article of our adversary in newspaper?" Jade asked him lending a large sheets of paper that have news stories, information about the article released by adversarial publication.

"Their use ahead of time by releasing of this article." he said in melancholy state."Hey,you George why didn't you know how it is done? Why you let them to released this article without letting me know,we should be the first who will made it published in public."

"I don't know.Maybe they used their tactical idea for us to fail and wouldn't find that such kind of matters." showing logical reasons of conflict regarding the new information or a report, material reported in a newspaper.

"Abby," she called her while printing some documents and file from the computer.She stepped an inch to Danny's table."Be sure we can find a good news to bring out by tomorrow morning,and supersede the significant report today." adjuring his workmates inside of the department,determined by their assignments.

When somebody knocked causing disturbance,a guy in the mid of her fortees.Danny's long time friend Nilo Dodgeman.He was been arrested because of the case of illegal drugs and robberry,he was been imprisoned for five years and put behind bars in jail.He was being repugnant by society because of being a criminal,suboptimal and pernicious having a distinctive of bad record.

"Hey,Nilo?" to bring back to mind,trying to recall Danny's memories and remember his familiar face approaching him inside the Daily Newspaper Department.

"Yeah." he smiles,then Danny walked towards him having a tight embraced.

"How are you?,it's been a long time!" said Nilo to his good friend,asking if what happened after few years ago they haven't met each other.

He brought him to the near cafe,to do some colloquy and to make conversations like they misses each other a lot."You know what,nothing changes.You're still the Danny that I met before.'' he claimed.

He drink his coffee before he response in his statement."Yeah,so did you already remorse about what happened to you five years ago? of becoming a contrite criminal?" he asks.

He nods."Of course I already learned a lesson,and people change.But people can judge you as the way it is,of someone criminal like me.But I've feel sorry for what I did." drinking his coffee while having flashbacks of his darkest moments in his life.

The impairment of integrity a corrupt act,the  state of being depraved.People whose nescesarry involved in society is abused; are one of the practice of corruption and a language that condemns or vilifies the disposition to decieve,an ailment of the government needing the point that marks the limit for a permanent.Due to the dominion and sovereignity hidden intentions are currently occuring,such as government officials or police officers) including the monetary fund of country's economy. Aiming the city of demons is the state of being infirm of authorities influence includes corrupt interference that citizens should decide and to select freely.But truth hidden amongst the lies.Example of a ruthless buisnessman motivated by naked ambition and greed.

A redoubtable and sleepless nights,an impediment interferes with the trouble and fuss.Argumentations with parleyed with the older brother of Danny to his wife.A pevish and disagreeable,identifying the root of their altercation."Are you insane,why did you wasted that money for taking the risk in the gambling?" Teresa really obnoxious after Louise bet on an uncertain outcome which he can win or lose money or possessions.

"What can I do now.I already lose in a wager!" he raised his voice unable to think in a clear or sensible way.

"Haven't you know that I just borrowed that money from my friend Lucy for our disbursement.'' she told him not adequately equipped and totally despair.

"What am I gonna do? I can't bring back the money.I just wanna take the risk if achieve something and win the money for a bigger price." defending his absurd and such a ridiculous reasons.Producing tears in her eyes because of

"You're such a balmy! I don't even know how I can return that after you just lose it from risking with uncertainty." Teresa uttered worryingly.

It is arduous for them related to lacking material possessions that those impecunious needed to give attention by the government officials,by  giving more work to those jobless,budget for education in public schools.But corruption intends to spread and straighten out with dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery--abusing of entrusted power for private gain. It can be classified as grand, petty and political, depending on the amounts of money lost and the sector where it occurs.It corrodes the fabric of society. It undermines people's trust in political and economic systems, institutions and leaders. It can cost people their freedom, health, money – and sometimes their lives.the use of powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain. An illegal act by an officeholder constitutes political corruption only if the act is directly related to their official duties, is done under color of law or involves trading in influence is a form of Political Corruption.

For instance, some political funding practices that are legal in one place may be illegal in another. In some cases, government officials have broad or ill-defined powers, which make it difficult to distinguish between legal and illegal actions. Worldwide, bribery alone is estimated to involve over 1 trillion US dollars annually.A state of unrestrained political corruption is known as a kleptocracy, literally meaning "rule by thieves".

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first use in English occurs in the publication Indicator of 1819: "Titular ornaments, common to Spanish kleptocracy."

In early 2004, the German anti-corruption NGOTransparency International released a list of what it believes to be the ten most self-enriching leaders in the past two decades In order of amount allegedly stolen USD, they were:

• Former Indonesian President Suharto ($15 billion – $35 billion)

• Former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos (at least $10 billion by 1986, equivalent to about $21.6 billion in 2014 dollars.

Former Congolese President Mobutu Sese Seko ($5 billion)

Former NigerianHead of State Sani Abacha ($2 billion – $5 billion)

Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milošević ($1 billion)

Former Haitian President Jean-Claude Duvalier ("Baby Doc") ($300 million – $800 million)

Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori ($600 million)

• Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko ($114 million – $200 million)

• Former Nicaraguan President Arnoldo Alemán ($100 million)

• Former PhilippinePresidentJoseph Estrada ($78 million – $80 million)

The Russian president Vladimir Putin is alleged to be the "head of the clan",whose assets are estimated at over $200 billion.A list of Russian and Ukrainian politicians associated with "kleptocratic style" has been published by the Kleptocracy Archives project.

We know that corruption will not disappear from society. Our efforts are meant to restrict corruption and to protect as much as possible the poor and weak in our societies. In the end all corruption costs are paid by the consumer and the tax-payer. They need protection.Fighting corruption takes place in many theaters':such as political reforms, including the financing of political parties and elections;economic reforms, regulating markets and the financial sector;
financial controls: budget, bookkeeping,reporting;
Public supervision: media, parliament, local administrators and councils, registration;
free access to information and data;maintaining law and order;improving and strengthening of the judicial system;institutional reforms: Tax systems, customs, public administration in general; whistleblowers and civil society organisations (NGO's).

In the City of Demons is extremely difficult of the political corruption is a hidden phenomenon in our societies.Both parties in exchange of power for privileges want to keep their transaction secret.That makes it so difficult to establish how wide and deep corruption penetrated our economy and social life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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