Chapter 10

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"Hi... I don't mean to interrupt this joyous occasion but Didyme, may I ask, how exactly did you die?", I asked even though I saw her memories while I revived her but I bet Marcus didn't know. I think it's time he did.

"Oh it's no problem, especially for the being who has done me such a good service and brought me back to life. And as for how I died..." She replied, trailing off at the end and looking towards Aro.

Shits about to hit the fan...


Chapter 10

👑Bella's pov 👑

I saw Aro visibly tense as Didyme began to talk because he knew he was screwed.

"...I died by the hands of my very own brother." Didyme states which causes Marcus to give Aro a murderous look.

"You killed my mate?! Your own sister?!" Marcus yells. I'm pretty sure that this is the most emotion has shown in decades.

"I had no choice, brother. You guys were going to leave Voltura and could not let that happen, so I did what had to be done."

Everyone could see that Marcus was going to kill Aro and as much as I don't like the Volturi, the vampire world needs them. They keep us in order, they keep us hidden from humans and the punish the rule breaker. Without them we would fall into chaos. I had to do something, so I sped between Marcus and Aro.

"Marcus Stop! I know you are angry but killing Aro is not the solution! The vampire world needs all of you or everyone is just going to run wild. Is that what you want? Use those centuries of knowledge and find a rational solution or so help me God I'll kill you myself then bring you back when I think you're mature enough to handle this." I yelled/explained. As I spoke everyone stops and stares at me in awe because I am yelling at and threatening a Volturi king. Marcus looks thoughtful as if he is mulling over my words. "You know that I am right and I was very much serious about killing you. I did not escape the southern wars and lose contact with my daughter just to have everything around me fall to chaos again. I will not allow it." I said but saying the second part more to myself than anyone else.

👑Jasper's pov👑

As I watched the scene unfold I couldn't help but feel a great sense of pride know that Bella is MY and she can take such good care of herself. But that pride was washed away when out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jane and Alec moving toward Bella with glares for yelling at Marcus. I ran to her to protect her and that's when everything went to the dogs.........


Well that took forever... I hate school. But no more promises, I update when I update because taking almost all honors classes means a lot of homework. ANYWAYS, about the chapter:
1. I know it's short, I'm sorry
2. I'm pretty sure it sucked, I've been experiencing some writers block
3. Sorry it took so long

                        ~Your lovely author, Jenielle 😈👑♈

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