Part 3.

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On the morning  of the competition ,  Laura  went  to  the  starting  line  with Stormy .She was disguised  in her father'sracing gear with her long wavy hair hidden under a helmet . No one had noticed her yet .

    King James  raised his tridents . A sparks shot out of it ,  and the sea horses  took off. The racers steered  them  through the water  at breakneck  speed . When they reached the coral reef ,  many of the fastestand most powerful  sea horse could not fit through the small openings and had to swim around the coral reef.

     But Stormy  was small and Laura  was brave ,  so they swam through  the  reef . Before long they had  taken the lead.

     Laura shouted with joy as her sea horse whipped  around the next turn . But this time he was too fast ! Laura'shelmet  hit  the  coral and popped  off. Her long  blond  hair  streamed  out  behind  her  as  they headed into the dark cavern.

    One racer ,  Luke ,  saw  Laura's  long  hair  from behind ."  A  mermaid !  "  He  shouted  in disbelief. He raced as quickly as he could ,trying  to overtake her.

   It was pitch black in the cavern. But Laura and Stormy  knew  the   way . Theybhad been there many times before to search for treasure .

Laura and the Seahorse Race _ Fairytale  Where stories live. Discover now