Chapter XXVII: Capture at Gil'ead

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Chapter XXVII: Capture at Gil'ead

We stopped when we reached the outskirts of Gil'ead. It had taken us about a month to reach it, during which time spring had come, and winter had gone. From where we were, I could see the city was a rough, barbaric place, filled with log houses and yapping dogs. At its centre was a rambling stone fortress. The air was hazy with smoke and looked more like a temporary trading post than a permanent city. Roughly eight kilometres beyond it, was the hazy outline of Isentar Lake.

We decided to set up camp about three kilometres away from the city. As dinner simmered, we started discussing who would go into the city.

Murtagh and I were both adamant that Eragon shouldn't be the one to go, for obvious reasons.

"Why?" Eragon quizzed, "I can disguise myself well enough and Dormnad will want to see the gedwëy ignasia as proof that I really am a Rider."

"Perhaps," Murtagh replied, "but the Empire wants you much more than me. If I'm captured, I could eventually escape. But if you are taken, they'll drag you to the King, where you'll be in for a slow death by torture – unless you join him. Plus, Gil'ead is one of the army's major staging points. Those aren't houses out there; they're barracks. Going in there would be like handing yourself on a gilded platter."

"On that note, as you're both wanted would it not make more sense for me to go?" I asked, and Murtagh shook his head.

"You can't stand out in this city, while you might fit in, there's the greater probability that you won't. If you stand out, there will be a number of soldiers ready to respond quickly and take you out. Trust me; it would be better if I go. Besides, how well do you know the city?"

I sighed, knowing Murtagh spoke wisely. "Very well, go ahead."

"But if anything goes wrong, I'm coming after you," Eragon said.

"And he won't be alone," I added with a smirk.

Murtagh laughed, "That would be fit for a legend: how a lone Rider and horseman took on the King's army single-handedly." He chuckled again and stood, "Is there anything I should know before going?"

"Shouldn't we rest and wait until tomorrow?" Eragon asked cautiously.

"The longer we stay, the greater chance that we'll be discovered. If Dormnad can take us to the Varden, then he needs to be found as quickly as possible. None of us should remain near Gil'ead longer than a few days," I replied.

Eragon nodded, before relaying the words, that Dormnad needed to hear, to Murtagh from Saphira.

"Very well," Murtagh said as he adjusted his sword. "Unless there's trouble, I'll be back within a couple of hours. Make sure there's some food left for me." With that, Murtagh mounted Tornac and rode away.

An hour went by, and Eragon and I waited in apprehension. Eventually, I got tired of the silence and tense atmosphere. "Up for a spar?" I asked Eragon who had been tapping Zar'roc's sheath for the past five minutes.

Eragon looked at me before nodding, "I wouldn't mind it."

Hours later, I finally spotted a distant equestrian exiting the city and galloping furiously toward our camp. Eragon mounted Saphira and I stood by Istal, ready to get on in a moment's notice. As the rider approached, I realised it was Murtagh galloping towards us.

No one appeared to be pursuing the wanted man, but Murtagh didn't slow his reckless pace. He galloped into the camp and jumped to the ground, Tornac sliding to a stop as Murtagh drew his sword. "What's wrong?" Eragon asked.

Murtagh scowled. "Did anyone follow me from Gil'ead?"

"We didn't see anyone," I said, passing Murtagh a bowl of food.

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