"Hey, what the?"

She's brought, dangling uncontrollably, eye to eye with Dawn's large ones and an angry look that's a lot more menacing then it would be under normal circumstances is what greets her.

"You better not be trying to kill each other. Cause even with regular sized strength I can still crush you like a bug or smoosh you like a bug under my foot. Don't think I won't."

Faith gives Dawn a whole hearted thumb's up while looking at the lack of ground under her feet.

"Message received, and you got nothing to worry about. I promise not even a punch will be thrown at any time we are within distance to be able to be doing that."

There's a moment of uncomfortable silence before Dawn says anything.

"There better not be."

After that, Dawn slowly starts to put Faith down, taking her as far as she can without moving her feet but stops short of about ten feet to the ground. With what seems like a moment of hesitation, Faith tries to look at what Dawn's doing but can't and then gets dropped to the cold, hard ground without warning.

"Get going..."

Faith lands hard and it takes her a second to recover before she looks back at Dawn with a slightly annoyed look but that goes away when the reality that she should probably get going hits her. She heads off in the direction Dawn pointed out and it doesn't take her long to find the clearing. When she gets there, she sees Buffy standing next to a pond staring out over the really beautiful spot. The complete uncertainty of what's going to be happening next occurs to Faith and she stops ten feet away from Buffy, not sure what to do. It's Buffy who makes that decision for her though as she turns around to see Faith, a sudden uncertain and nervous look instantly appearing on her face.


Long stretches of silence sew themselves together as Buffy shifts her weight uncomfortably at Faith's words.

"Uh, hey..."

Faith decides that more silence isn't really what either of them needs right now.

"So, you wanted to talk?"


The dark slayer looks around at the place where she is and where Buffy is standing.

"And so beautiful Scottish scenery seemed like the most appropriate place to do the talking thing?"

Buffy looks around at the trees and the pond and the way the light reflects on the water and a sudden realization comes over her.


Her attention comes back to Faith.

"I guess I didn't really plan any of this out all that properly."

Faith kinda grins at the obvious statement.


She looks around again at where she is.

"You know, a text message can work just as well. You might try it sometime."

Buffy's now the one that sorta grins at the obvious statement.

"I think I've tried enough new things to last me a lifetime thank you very much."

They both grin together for a brief moment of levity.

"Probably true..."

It isn't long before reality sets back in though and Buffy's expression becomes more serious.

That Thing That Happened That Time (girlxgirl) (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz