Chapter Four

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Once I searched around the rooms and saw everything in its place I took a deep breath knowing that Dante hadn’t stolen anything, and limped to Lain’s bedroom. I looked around and started feeling desperate when I realised she wasn’t there. I suddenly perked up my eyes as I heard someone singing softly and quickly went to my bedroom. As I walked to my door I saw blood stains on it and clenched my fists as I walked in seeing bloody footprints everywhere and had a flashback of every night cleaning the floors to get rid of the bloody smell.  My eyes widened and I screamed when I saw Lain sitting on the ground in a tutu the same as mine and playing with her her blood.

She turned around and smiled and waved her bloody hand “Lucy, look I’m just like you now.”

I stared at her feeling helpless and collapsed on the floor in tears.


"You will always be ine Lucinda." he cooed as he searched around the rooms.

I trembled as I shut my eyes and brought my knees up to my face, not daring to say a word as he searched me bedroom. I leant my back against the back of the door and cringed at his footsteps, as if everyone was throwing a sharp knife into me.

I heard his footsteps coming closer and let out a small whimper.

Run! Now! Go!

My brain was calling out to me but I couldn't respond, he had already found me.

"There you are my beautiful Lucy,no be a good girl and dance for me." he said trying to fake a smile.

I shook my head and stared at the ground.

"Now!" he shouted and thrusted his hand at me, and smiled as I screamed."

I gasped as I quickly sat up and awokened from my dream.

I looked around and sighed knowing that I was back home.

I slowly got up and noticied that I had faint traces of dry blood on my hand and I was wearing a light weight top and shorts.

I heard Alice's and Drew voices in the kitchen and quickly ran up to them.

Alice caught me as I callopsed into her arms "Easy there Lucy." she murmed and gave me a big hug.

She poured some tea into a mug and I stared at as I swallowed.

She eyed me "Here, you must be hungry" she checked her watch "Haven't eaten for a while."

I nodded absintmindly and sipped some of my tea and nibbled some biscuits that she gave me.

I then abrutly put down my biscuit and looked at them "Where is she?"

Drew gave me a sad smile "In her room."

I quickly ran upstairs and ran into her room.

I ran up to her bed and saw her cuddled up into her blankets as she quiet;y snored.

I knelt beside her and ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her forhead.

"She  got a shock you know. When she saw you crying. We weren't sure what to do so we quickly cleaned her and you up and before we knew it, she went to  be." said Alice as she appreared by the doorway.

I stared at her and nodded.

She sighed "Whats happening Lucy? What aren't you telling us?"

I looked at her and slowly got up and walked back down stairs showing no expression.

I ignored Alice's and Drews mumbling and sat down as I sipped my tea and ate the biscuits.

I wasn't sure what I was meant to do next. Was I still going to be dancing till my feet bleed at night like usual or would it be Lain next.

I put down my mug and looked at them.

"Guys aren't we meant to be at school?"

"Yeah, but we decided to stay here instead." said Drew

I shook my head "No we should really go back to school, I can't aford to not miss anymore."

Alice looked at me but then finally nodded.

"Is it ok if Lain stays with your mum today Alice. I just don't want her staying here alone again."

Alice nodded in understanding.


By the time I got ready for school and dropped off Lain who was still fast asleep, I already felt drowned out before my classes had even started.

I walked through the school gates and felt a cold feeling around the midst of the school.

I stopped walking and turned around and was sure that someone was standing behind me.

I shrugged and caught up with alice and Drew who gave me sympathetic looks.

I checked my schedule and sighed as I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked to Dance classes.

As I entered the studio that was connected to the school I put my bag down and rested my leg over the pole as I stretched my feet. 

"Now everyone, today we will be learning about how to perfect a grand jete."

I frowned as the male voice sounded oddly familiar.

I looked around and saw a dark haired boy about two years older than me standing in the centre of the studio with other dances swooning over him.

"Sorry sir, but where is Miss Night?" I asked

His jaw tightetened as he stared at me " She is unwell and I will be taking over for your lessons now."

I half nodded and frowned, thinking that his face was somehow familiar.

"Oh don't you just think he is hot?' asked Abigail sighing longingly as she stared at him.

I shrugged. " I guess so." I muttered and stared at his face.

He had high cheeks with sparkling green eyes that glistened as he spoke. His pitch black hair made his look more intimidating and all up, I have to admit. He was pretty good looking.

"What do you mean I guess so? I would marry him any day." chirped Jess.

I ignored them both and shut my eyes as I thought of each action in my hed that I had to do to perfect my grand jete.

I stretched out my legs and ran up as I jumped high in the air and stretched out my legs.

I sighed as a rush of wind flew past my face.

As I landed swiftly I turned around and heard clapping.

I looked at my teacher and frowned as he smiled at me.

I walked back to the pole and tried to concentrate but his whispering words ran through me head.

"Beautiful Lucy. Just beautiful."

I didn't remember telling him my name.


 Sorry guys for the long wait, hope you enjoy.

So I hope you guys have been enjoying the story, as much as I have.

LOL by the way I am actually not a dancer for some who think I am. I can dance as good as  a centipede drowning in water so yeah, that says a lot. XD


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2012 ⏰

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