Chapter 20: The First War

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"For the last time, Eurylas," Gaia hissed, "what happened in the throne room?"

The Giant quavered before his mother's gaze. His eyes strayed to the stone ground of the cavern, and his hands trembled profusely. He could feel the heat radiating from Gaia, the pure anger he had caused.

"I was too quick. I began the ambush too...early." He said meekly.

"Was the plan I had given to you not clear enough?" She punctuated her last three words with every breath she drew.

Eurylas remained silent.

The Earth Mother, in her humanoid form, turned around and sighed. In the next instant, roots burst forth from Gaia's outstretched fingertips. They wrapped themselves around Eurylas' limbs and pulsed with green light, sapping the colour from his skin.

"No!" The Giant struggled, but his voice and movements grew weaker with every pulse. Soon, the light faded from his eyes, and his lifeless body froze into stone. With one lash, the roots smashed the rocks into the ground, which rose up to swallow it.

Gaia retracted the tendrils and took a breath. "Aphrodite."

The goddess appeared immediately. "Yes, mother?"

"Tell the forces to retreat. Our attack has failed, because of Eurylas' mistake."

"But mother, the gods are still distraught. They cannot help the demigods."

"They will recover soon enough. We have to cut back our losses. Hopefully, we have taken enough casualties to hinder their morale."

"Very well. And what of our two prisoners?"

"Keep them safe and well. They pose a large importance to our plans, which cannot be affected anymore."

Aphrodite nodded and disappeared again.


Jake Mason parried another strike with his hatchet. He rolled to the side to dodge an axe swing and swung his own axe at the Earthborn's stomach. With a groan, the monster crumbled into stone.

He looked around, the afternoon sun scorching his forehead. The forces were still advancing. His squadron of about 30 demigods, the Hephaestus, Athena, and minor gods cabins, were being pushed back to the tree, where the Golden Fleece was kept. For the first time, the fleece served no protection towards the invaders. They must have been impervious to its magic.

The dragon guardian, Peleus, let out a roar and a breath of flames towards the oncoming enemies, but Jake could tell even he was getting worn down by the never ending swarm of monsters.

Traps of Greek fire and tripwires placed by his cabin and the Hermes kids brought down a few enemies, but more replaced them. The Cyclops and Briares, reinforcements by lord Poseidon, threw boulder after boulder at the wave of creatures. The demigods fought relentlessly, but it wasn't enough.

"Retreat! Fall back!" Jake roared, gesturing wildly. The demigods turned around and ran like hell was following them. They weren't wrong.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of whistling arrows. From the trees, silver flashes launched themselves into the monsters. Howls pierced the air as the dracanae warriors and Earthborn fell.

The Hunters, Jake thought. Thank gods.

The surprise gave Jake and his team enough time to fall back and regroup. He saw Thalia Grace vault down from a tree and group up with them.

"You guys alright?" Thailia asked.

"Sort of." Jake replied.

"My hunters will hold back as much as they can. You guys have been fighting for what, the entire morning?"

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