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Kute's eyes open blearily. The grey, black and yet more grey environment around him coming into focus.
Blood-splatters on the concrete  indicated very clearly to him that someone was in a mess. Was it him? Had he been shot?
Kute managed to move his aching body enough to peer around him in the faint light. Two red clothed thugs lay motionless on the ground alongside him. Memories came flooding back to him. The knife. The kettle. The searing skin. It made his face burn just to think about it. He looked at his hands. They seemed a little raw... but other wise strangely intact. He felt his face with one hand. Kute was almost certain he had been badly burnt... yet he could feel no abnormality. His hands must be numb. He tried to stand. His legs were not prepared. And he settled for a slouching sit, propped up by his arms.
He must get out of here.
Someone could wander in any moment now.
He dragged himself to his feet and managed to stay upright, though a little unsteady. He reached up, supporting himself with the other by holding the table of instruments - Kute managed to get a hold of the rim of the light overhead. Aiming it around he found caught the glint of a door handle, far off to one side.
Kute left the light swinging and shuffled to the possible exit. It was locked. But a little light could be seen up above. Kute gazed thoughtfully at the blacked out window. The cat took a deep breath. Before launching himself upwards, fingers scrabbling at the wall to get a grip at the ledge.
Kute falls back in a head on the concrete. Gasping. He caught his breath for a moment before staggering back to the table. His belongings were on the lower shelf. Kute gathered his things before making his way back to the door. Time to try again...
He was about to attempt a second leap, when an idea struck him.
He pressed the barrel of the handgun against the door lock and pulled the trigger.
A fifth of the wooden warehouse door disintegrated into a cloud of splinters, the door thrown open into an alleyway before falling off its hinges completely.
Kute shuffled out into the blinding light. Leaning on a wall, he made his way towards the empty streets if the industrial fringe. He half collapsed against a payphone. Clumsily dialling a number with quivering hands.
Kute breathed heavily into the receiver.
"'s me...Kute....your boss..?"
"Kute?! Where have you been?! The whole-"
Kute cut him off.
"Round up our guys...I want the Kings dead!"
"Kute...that's a mass slaughter. You mean all of them? know that won't go unnoticed...right?"
"Just. Do. It" Kute grunted into the phone. Slamming it into the receiver so hard that the handset immediately rebounded.
He began staggering off into the city, to look for a lift..

End of Chapter Two

Thank you for reading once again.

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