My hair was curled in tight ringlets, in a close pony to the side of my head. Hermione put so much product in my hair, that my head hurt. "Can't you just do all of this with magic?" I had asked her. But no, Hermione had to wonky up my head and do things the hard way.
I was now slipping on my black heels. I had my emerald gown on to match the necklace Harry had given me for Christmas. It made me feel uncomfortable, like I was in Slytherin.
"You look beautiful!" Hermione exclaimed.
"I look like I'm a Slytherin," I complained.
"It doesn't matter what color gown you're wearing. It's really beautiful," Hermione smiled, and I zipped her dress up for her. Her dress was a deep red. "Is Harry meeting you in common room?" I nodded.
"Where's Ron meeting you?" I asked. She shrugged. I tugged at my gown in attempts to make it longer, but I failed. It felt to risque! The gown only went to the middle of my thigh!
"Where are my shorts?" I dug around in my trunk and pulled out a pair of tight black shorts slipped them on, and sat down. I instantly felt relieved. "What if somebody else is wearing the same thing as me? Hermione, I have a bad feeling about this."
"I assure you, no one will have the same outfit.." She grumbled, tired of my whining. I played around with my shoes, and once they felt comfortable, I stood up. I held my arm out for Hermione, and we linked arms.We walked down the dorm steps and got in common room. Every one was dressed in a ball gown, some too short, and some to plain. But none were green.
Once I found Harry, I said goodbye to Hermione and walked out of common room with him. He gave me a red corsage, and I smiled.
"You look amazing!" He smiled, and my cheeks reddened. "Why are you wearing green, though?"
"It went with the- Oh, I new I was right! I never should have worn this!" I buried my hands in my face and stopped walking. Harry grabbed my arm softly.
"Hey, it looks fine. Calm down." I clenched my teeth together, and slowly took my hands off my face. "You're making your face blotchy, c'mon let's just go." I continued walking with him, and we soon appeared in the Great Hall.
There were heart posters, everywhere. Everything in the Great Hall was red and pink, and most of the girls had pink and red gowns on. There was a giant poster that said "Harry Valentine's Day!". I saw a few black, some white, and a little bit of random colors of gowns here and there. And then, I saw her.
"Harry, Harry." I nudged him. My heart was racing. He looked at me. "Harry, she's wearing the same gown as me." I felt like I was going to throw up.
"Who is that?"
"It's Annalice, Annalice King she's Draco's girlfriend.. Harry can we please leave?" I whispered. I wanted to get out of there before she saw me. Before I could knock on wood, her icy blue eyes caught me.
I pulled on Harry's arm, and dragged him out. I kept my face down, and once we were in the courtyard outside, I started hyperventilating.
"Lexa, seriously don't make a big deal out of this!" Harry complained. I swallowed the frog in my throat.
"You don't understand! She could make my life hell if she didnt want me wearing this or something! I used to be her friend, and she's practically attatched to Draco! Do you know what she does to Pansy for even laying eyes on him?!" I shouted. He rolled his eyes at me.
"Are you just going to sit here all night and whine about it, or do you want to go and have a good time at the dance?" My mouth dropped open, and I started glaring at him.
"You know what, if you don't care about the things I care about, then you can go back there and dance with yourself." I chucked the corsage he gave me at his feet, and stormed off. Tears started welling up in my eyes.
Just as I was next to the common room door, a hand came over my head. I started squirming, and turned my head to see Draco. He was holding his wand to my neck, and I was trying to struggle out of his grasp. He held his hand over my mouth, and I was trapped. I gave up, it was no use. I stopped struggling as he dragged me through the corridors. I had random blackouts, and the next thing I knew I was sitting in a dimmed room next to a large cabinet. Being drowsy, I touched the cabinet and my hands twitched. I saw blackness once more.
"Hurry up, and put her in there," a raspy female voice said. "Come on, Draco! We don't have all day! I still want to dance." I felt my body being moved.
The next second, I felt myself being sucked through a tiny passage. My whole body was being squished, and I let out a cry as it went away. My body shifted, and I was on cold hard stone once again.
"It works!" I heard a deep female voice cheer. Someone rolled me out of the cabinet and I dropped to the floor, unable to move my limbs. I felt an icy hard object slice through my cheek, and up to my temple. Then across my arm, then through my calves.
"Die, bitch," the voice growled. I screeched as I was thrown back in the cabinet.
I was once again sucked through the passage. It was a terrible feeling, like I was supposed to be stuck in a tiny box. I fell to the ground. Light.
I was carried once again by weak hands, and thrown onto the hard stone I recongnized as the corridor.
Suddenly, I was tired.

Life of a Malfoy
FanfictionAlexandria Malfoy is almost sure she knows exactly who she is when she steps onto the Hogwarts express with her twin brother, Draco. But when she steps off with Harry Potter, her world turns upside down. She tries to break the Slytherin Princess st...