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Every day was a struggle for Kristen, ever since she had received the letters. Robert's words were haunting her, just like he had predicted in his first letter, reading a little bit of each one every night. She was trying not to let it get to her, but it was too late. Anxiety had taken over her. It was just as bad as it had been when she was younger. Morning sickness, panic attacks . . .

Everybody had noticed. They were helping her as much as they could. They would rub her back when she vomited, they would hold her and give her water, when she was having panic attacks.

One day, enough was enough. And our heroine found herself at a support group. She didn't know anyone there. What would she say, if they asked her why was she there? At least she could stay and listen. Nobody had to learn about the letters. It would reveal the secret. She didn't know how people would react. The fans, for sure, would discuss it all around the Internet. And Kristen wasn't in the mood for reading Fan Fiction about herself and Robert. If anyone dared to write about that, it would be the last straw. Disgusting.

Kristen stayed and listened. She said nothing. Some people had recognized her, but hadn't spoken to her. The death of Robert Pattinson as still all over the Internet and everyone would discuss it on the Good Morning TV shows.

That evening was different. The letter was surprisingly short and at first glance, it looked like it didn't say anything. But when Kristen started reading it, she was surprised. It was again a letter from the past.

My dearest Kristen,

My wishes came true. Now you're mine. Only mine. Nobody can have you.

Yours truly,

Your God

Her eyes widened. Only four sentences and they sounded like he was so possessive over her.

She crumbled it into a paper ball and threw it away in the box, not able to continue reading it. For the rest of the night, she distracted herself with good food and blockbusters.

That night, she didn't go to bed with tears, like always. Instead, she felt nothing. Almost as if he had never died.

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