C1 | The Beginning

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Chapter One | The Beginning

The brush of fresh air swept his fur in the deemed light the moon gives. He closed his eyes and let his wolf take over, resting for a while. With fast speed and agility he managed to cross the forest in a few minutes, one of the perks of being a Lycan. Until he hears an unusual sound.

This is his territory, and he always commands his people to stay away while he's on a run. He needs the silence and the solitude in the darkness.

He spins around, hearing a faint sound of growls. He shouldn't have been to worried about this because these growls are not from a werewolf but instead of a normal, wild wolf. But when he hears a slow heart beat, it certainly isn't one of the animals. In unbelievably speed, he ran to where the sound is coming from and snarled, until he sees what it is. He is stunned.

Before him lays a rare beauty. Blood red hair that seems to attracted him like a fly to a burning fire. Uncommon black eyes stares back at him like a dark abyss. Unfamiliar happiness burst through his chest, finally. He finally finds her; his mate, his beloved.

He also noticed that his mate is sprawled there in her birthday suit, the only thing that pushes him back from claiming her right there and then in the wolves that surrounds her. Unsurprisingly possessiveness and protectiveness fills his eyes. His mate is in danger.

He lost his awareness that he had shifted, also he has lost awareness of his mind. He attacked one of the wolves that's snarling at him but before he can do that. He is tackled by a body, more specifically his mate. With abnormal strength.

He froze in confusion. He scented her as a werewolf, but when he looked into her eyes intently. He observed of tiny particles of red across her dark eyes, signal of being a vampire. But it can't be.

A hybrid, his mate is a hybrid of a werewolf and a vampire.

It simply is impossible. The two beings have hatred that lasts a lifetime, and vampires are immortal, so that's saying a lot.

"Gita sinava te!" She screeched the unknown words. A sneer pasted on her face.

The wolf in him growled, feeling threatened. His mate had taken offense to this, and is growling back before the sound of multiple paws pounded of the forest floor. Nearing them second by second.

He immediately took action of covering his mate with his body, unknowingly her body relaxed, which pleased the Alpha greatly.

His delta was the first to see them, before a dozen shifted wolves followed. Instinctively, she pressed her body on his. Her eyes held fear and caution.

"Alpha, we sensed the rogue." Delta of The West, Sebastian eyed the girl in his alpha's arms. Sniffing the air checking if the moon had blessed him with a bond.

The Alpha, Rafael once again snarled. Pressing his mate's body against him more. They shared a look before the delta understood the message to back off.

Rafael was given a shirt and pants. Wearing the latter for himself and the former for his mate -her name haven't been known-. The girl didn't rejected the cloth, her mouth still producing little quiet growls that made her adorable to him and made his blood run down south. But now's not the time.

He stood, carrying his mate in his arms and proceeding to walk towards the direction of the pack house, ignoring the confused wolves.

The girl didn't made a move and stayed silent, but her burning gaze stayed on him throughout the walk.

Finally, the pack house came to view. But instead of strolling through the front doors, he went around it, coming to a stop in front of a two story cabin.

It was where he stayed most of the time, his private haven of silence and solitude. His yellow eyes looked down at his mate, whose pitch blacks are assessing the place in front of her, observing for danger.

He opened the door and locked it back, placing his mate on the large bed, he crouch on the floor, just staring at the girl. He just can't believe it. He found his mate, she's not what he expected, but she was perfect and many more. Her red burning hair running down to her waist, her small nose and big plump pouty red lips, her pale and flawless skin. Her figure was hidden by the large shirt, but could see her long legs, thick thigh that he could drowned himself in. He almost let out a groan.

Lastly her dark eyes are a contrast to her skin. She could destroy him, and he would let her.

She stared back, not bothered by him. He was extremely powerful, she could tell. It attracted her, the power, the dominance. She didn't ignore the tiny sparks she get when she was touched by him. It was different, and it was electrifying.

The words unconsciously was blurted out, without thought. "What's your name?"

He was an idiot, he thought. He remembered the unknown words his mate had said earlier, obviously she wouldn't understand him.

He wasn't wrong, on one point. But the girl prodded on his mind, his aura, of what he want. It was easy and it was what kept her surviving all this while.


Sorry it was so short. I promised the upcoming chapters are longer.

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