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"reum, that was one long marathon of fairytale books." yoongi commented then let out a soft yawn as his girlfriend stayed silent while the both of them were walking side by side.

he noticed his girlfriend being unsually quiet so he stopped in tracks and turned to her, who seemingly looked like she was lost in her thoughts.

"what's wrong?" he asked softly, while holding her shoulders. she continued to stay silent and shook her head. then she started to walk ahead of him, while he ran to catch up.

soon, they were reaching yoongi's house. he had ask her to stay over, since it was already late at night.

"baby, are you sure you're okay?" he inquired again. she was still staring into blank space, and yoongi knew something was wrong with her, so he sat down on the sofa beside her.

"no, yoongi." she replied softly, and soon tears were forming in her eyes. yoongi pulled her into a gentle hug and circled his arms around her waist.

"shh, baby. what's wrong?"

"i— i just— yoongi—" yoongi knew it was hard for her to say anything right now, so he patted her small back gently while silence surrounded them.

"yoongi, i— i'm— are— fairytale are l-lies," she suddenly spoke to break the silence. yoongi continues to pat her back with one hand, and another hand to stroke her hair.

"why do you think so?"

"it's just— fairytale don't exist, i don't know... fairy tales are fake, and there will never be a happy ending. everything is just— just a l-lie,"

"shhh," yoongi broke off the hug with her and took a look at his girlfriend's face that was now stained with tears.

"believe me, reum. fairytale exists because there is you and me. you are my princess, and i will become your prince charming. you must believe, that we will create our own fairytale and we will have a happy ending."

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