That's Life

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Kenya POV-

"Be good for baba okay Princess." I said brushing Livy's hair into two puff ponytails.

She was too preoccupied, eating some strawberry yogurt O was feeding her, as he laid on the bed.

"Dead any interaction with Shep." O looked at me, then wiped the excess yogurt from Livy's mouth.

I just finished doing Livy's hair.

"You heard me?" O said not playing.


"I mean it K. Shep my boy, but a no for her." He fed Livy more yogurt than licked the spoon.

"Shep seemed like he matured O."

"He's not. Juice in college is what he is. You want D dating that?"

I sighed.

"I thought so." He went back to feeding Livy. I had finished her hair.

"She's just crushing O, let her live."

"Make sure it says that way."

I rolled my eyes. "I am not gonna let you treat Livy like that O. Thats why kids rebel."

"My chocolate princess would never go against her daddy, right stink?" He fed her more yogurt, then licked the spoon. "She gon stay with me till she 50."

"Oh my God O."

"And after she turn 50, I give her permission to marry a nice Russell Wilson type." He kissed her.

She giggled. If only she knew what he was saying.

I got up to put my outfit on.

"You are not going to ruin my daughters life. Or Deanna if she stays  here for college."  I changed into my clothes.

"Guess what, its only one man in this house. And you can run Karol's Cosmetics but this is my domain."

"Whatever." I threw my sweatpants at him.

Livy cracked up at how the pants ended up on his head. And moved them more over his face. This was so amusing to her. She kept doing it and laughing.

Which made me laugh. I kissed her goodbye and kissed O goodbye.

"Remember what I told you." He warned.

"Goodbye O." I pecked his lips one last time.

Then left.

Deanna POV-

I had took the time to make sure, I looked perfect for my Clay Bear.

Hair ✔️
Makeup ✔️
Outfit ✔️

I was so confident he would see my beauty and our future would sprout from there. 🤗

K assured me she wouldn't be like O and block, but instead play it in the background.

I just knew after tonight, I was gonna gonna go back to Baton Rouge and stunt on those bitches who talked about me being too dark, or too fat or too arrogant because I took pride in my appearance.

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