Chapter 2

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I’m gonna die!! kill me now!! ugh everyone is staring at us!

“Its gonna be ok, Sky. Just breathe. I’m right here.” Bryan reassured me.

Right, just breathe. I can do this. What am I thinking?! I really hate meeting new people. The whole why I don’t talk thing gets annoying. That’s probably why Bryan bribed the principal to let us have all the same classes.

“Come on Sky. We're gonna be late.”

I just nodded my head.

Later we were seated down in first hour. History. Yuck. Everyone was staring at us. One of the boys got up and started to walk over to us and I stiffened, which didn’t go unnoticed by Bryan. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, just turn around, walk away.

Just then the teacher decided to make an appearance. Thank the lord above!!

“Hello class, sit down and be quiet please. Ah, I see we have two new students. Come up and introduce yourselves.”

Shit! I looked worriedly at Bry. He just gave me a smile. He got up and dragged me to the front of the room.

“Hi my name is Bryan Walker and this is my sister Schuyler.”

“Do you play any sports, or have any hobbies?” asked the teacher.

“Um, I don’t like sports, and I like to draw. Schuyler likes soccer, and likes to draw and read and listen to music.” Bryan said.

“Schuyler why don’t you tell us something?” the teacher whose name I still didn’t know asked/demanded.

I just looked at Bry. He smiled back and just looked at me kinda sympathetic.

“Um, Sky doesn’t talk. She hasn’t talked in almost 5 years.” Bryan said awkwardly.

Everyone stared at me. And this is why I was home schooled. Cause I hate people staring at me like a freak, even though I kinda am.

“Why not?” asked a pretty redhead from the front row. “if you don’t mind me asking.”

“We don’t really know. She just doesn’t talk.” Bryan said.

“Oh, well then how do you ask questions and stuff?” the redhead asked.

“She usually texts me and I ask for her. If im not there she sometimes texts the person shes asking the question to, or just types it in her phone and shows it to the person.” Bryan said.

“Oh that’s a smart idea! Oh! I’m Chelsea by the way!” the redhead said.

“Okay, enough chit-chat! Everyone sit down and turn your books to page 32. Oh, Bryan, Schuyler, my name's Mr. Brown.”

After the bell rang we all walked out of the classroom. Me and Bryan started walking upstairs to the math room.

“Bryan! Schuyler! Wait up!” a familiar voice said.

We stopped and turned around to see Chelsea trying to run through a big group of people to get to us.

“Oh, hey Chelsea.” Bryan said.

“Hey. So this is kinda blunt but can I have both your numbers? You both seem nice and I wanna get to you Schuyler.” she asked with a worried and embarrassed look on her face.

Bryan just chuckled and said sure. So we exchanged numbers and walked off in different directions.

I texted Bryan and said 'she seems nice. and funny'.

“Yeah. Shes cute too.” he said. Maybe they’ll get together... time for Matchmaker Schuyler to get to work... Mwahahahaha.

We were at the math room now. Great another introduction. At least its math. I hope this teacher is nice. I looked at the sign above the door real fast. Mrs. Smith. Sounds nice, lets hope she is...

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