Yes! I did! But she came WILLINGLY!!! She loves you! You're her best friend!

Really? You think I'm her best friend? Then what is Longbottom?!?

Honestly! You think someone can only have one best friend?!?

Draco's jaw clenched and he stomped his foot, uncaring what she might think about that.

Yes! After all, only one person can be BEST!!! Don't you understand? Theo WAS my best friend. Then we had a falling out. Pansy became my best friend. But now she's chosen Longbottom! You have Harry. You always have and you always will! You can't POSSIBLY understand!!!


"So, Malfoy, how is Theodore doing? Malfoy?"

Harry looked up and saw Neville staring at Draco in confusion.

It only took a moment for Harry to see why Draco was unresponsive. The blonde's hand was lying under Hermione's, and both of them were staring rather blankly at each other.

He sighed.

"Neville, he can't hear you." He pointed at their hands, "They're talking inside one of their minds. Let me go check on them."

Ginny snorted, "They really need to not do this in public. It's liable to get them killed."

"Point," Harry said as he untangled his hand from hers and stood up.

When he reached the window he looked out at Pansy and the mind-healer for a moment, then took a deep breath and put his hand on top of Hermione's.

Then, with a quick push of his mind he was once more standing in Draco's mind. Hermione was there, once again inside the cage, but this time it looked a bit different - though he couldn't quite say how. Draco was outside the cage, and both of them looked furious.

Worried, he reached out, sending a soothing image of himself humming and comforting her.

She looked up and her eyes narrowed. A second later he was thrust out, finding himself once again in the sterile hospital.

An image of something he couldn't name resided in his mind for a moment. It was more of a mixture of emotions than something physical. He was left with the impression that whatever Draco and Hermione were working through had to be dealt with now.

And that he had no part in it.

Something twisted inside of him, and he took a deep breath, forcing back the tears that pricked at his eyes. It was stupid to feel hurt, he didn't own Hermione. Besides, they all had to grow up sometime.


A small, cool hand slipped into his own. He looked over at his girlfriend and gave a wobbly smile.

"Love you, Ginny."

She leaned in and gave him a hug, "Love you, too."

Neville awkwardly cleared his throat, "So...what just happened?"


Draco saw Harry appear and then disappear just as quickly. Hermione scowled at the spot he had occupied and then turned her attention back to Draco.

Griffonshit! Harry may be my best friend, but I'm not his only best friend! Ron and Ginny are also his best friends!

Griffonshit right back at you! Ginger isn't his best friend, she's his girlfriend!

What? You can't be both? That's a twisted lie!

He stormed over towards her, the cage shimmered and moved, letting him through. Then it seemed to tighten around them, trapping them mere inches apart.

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