Chapter #7

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*****Farkle's POV*****

***Time Skip***

I walk beside Lucas and Zay upstairs to where we are meant to be meeting Riley and Maya to see Riley curled into Maya as she soothes her. "So where's Cassie?" Lucas questions. "She's recovering from the flu. Josh spread it to her after he got it from the evil world of college," I say. "Someone doesn't like me!" Riley cries. We look at her and Maya in surprise and Lucas and Zay help them up from the floor.

I walk with Cass up to Chai and instantly hear Riley starting to freak out loudly. I turn to them in confusion and see Maya calming down Riley on the floor. Lucas signals me over so I farewell the two girls and walk over to my other friends. "Farkle! Why are you talking to her?!" Maya hisses in annoyance. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Who Cass or Chai?" I question. "Chai? That's her name?" Riley freaks out. I turn to Cass and Chai to see them looking at us in confusion. I send them a shrug and they walk away. "If you're trying to control who I'm friends with along with who I talk to, I might as well not be friends with you because Chai is a great person and I won't put up with you putting my friends down," I state. Maya looks at me in shock and I walk away quickly.

I sit in the library with Cass and Chai with our homework in front of us as we compare answers, when Lucas sits down. He turns to Chai with a glare and Cass wraps an arm around her. "Farkle. Chai and I are going to hand in our homework early. We'll see you later," She states. I nod and watch as they pack their things up quickly, walking away quickly. I turn to Lucas with a frown and close my book. "Was that really necessary?" I ask. "I think it's best for our group if you stop spending time with Chai. Even if that includes avoiding Cassiopeia," Zay states from behind me. I turn to him in shock and stand up quickly. "If this is about Chai not wanting to be friends with Riley, I suggest that you re-think that. Riley went straight for a friendship but Chai likes to get to know people properly before becoming friends with them. I'm not going to stop hanging out with Chai and Cass, I'm going to stop hanging out with you," I state, packing my things up quickly. They watch in alarm as I practically run out of the library and head off to find Cass and Chai.

I sit with Cass in her home and smile at her slightly. "You honestly didn't have to stop spending time with your main group of friends for Chai and I. We would have been fine if you left us," Cass states. I shake my head. "I wouldn't be a very good boyfriend if I didn't spend my time with you. Plus, they were out of place trying to cut out the pair of you. Chai is like a sister to me and you're my beautiful, genius girlfriend," I explain, pressing a kiss to her cheek. The doorbell rings and Josh rushes from the kitchen to answer it. "Oh. My brother," He greets awkwardly. Cass shoots up in confusion and quickly pulls me upstairs. "MOM! DAD! CORY, TOPANGA, SHAWN, RILEY, MAYA, LUCAS, ZAY, SMACKLE, AUGGIE, QUINN, AND BAILEY ARE HERE!" Josh calls at the top of his lungs. "So, I was wondering if you could tutor me on playing the piano?" I question. Cass looks at me with a smile and pulls me over to the piano in the corner of her room.

I pull my hands away from the keys and smile at Cass. "You're amazing at this," I state. "Indeed she is," A male voice rings out. We turn in shock to see Cory, Topanga, Shawn, Mr Matthews, Mrs Matthews, and Riley all standing there. "Thank you again for the piano, Uncle Shawn, Grandma and Grandpa. It was one of my favorite birthday presents, including the camera I received from Farkle and his parents, and Gracie the Ginger from Uncle Eric, who is most likely in Uncle Josh's room being held captive," Cass explains with a side smile. Shawn walks over and lifts her into a tight hug. "Well, you're our favorite genius, closely followed by Farkle," Mr Matthews states, leading Mrs Matthews in the room. Josh suddenly appears with an Ginger bundle of fur and passes it to me. "Gracie peed on my pillow, so you can keep her full time in here," He states. Cass laughs and a small face looks up at me, letting out a meow. "Is it just me or have you gotten lighter?" Shawn questions. I look up in confusion. "Impossible, Shawn. She may spend more time in her books than most teens her age, but she eats plenty of food at meals. But not in a bad way," Mrs Matthews states as Cass is placed on her feet. "I'm growing. That's the only reason for the eating. Just look at this, we're almost the same height now," Cass laughs. The doorbell rings again and she perks up. I watch as she bursts out of the bedroom and her feet hit each stair. The door slams against the wall. "THEODORE!" I hear her greet loudly. "Cassie! Great to finally meet you in person," A male voice replies. Feet come running back upstairs and Cass appears with a slightly older looking male version of her and Riley. Shawn's eyes widen in shock. "Theodore?" Topanga questions. He turns to her with a frown. "Can I help you?" He asks. She quickly shakes her head and Theo turns back to us. "I'm Theodore Matthews-Harrison, but most of you can call me Theo. You must be the Farkle, Cassie has been telling me about for the past six months," He greets, sticking a hand out for me to shake. "Correct," I state. "Theo was told by his parents that he was adopted because his birth parents weren't ready for a child. He originally tried to get in contact with those parents, but wasn't answered, so he moved onto the noted grandparents. They passed him onto me after getting to know him and we've been emailing each other about our lives ever since," Cass explains. Topanga and Cory stare at Cass and Theo in shock while Riley stares at him completely and utterly confused.

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