A player?

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I wanna say thank you to everyone who's reading my story! I'm sorry for not uploading in quite a while. Forgive me? *winces* <3


The story cover is made by itslayanepayne. It's AWESOME and I love her :3 Also go check out her stories. They're so freakin' amazing! I'm not only saying this cause she's my best friend, btw! 

Btw can you guys PLEASE vote? And constructive criticism is highly appreciated. See something wrong, please point it out. Thanks!

Hope you guys like this chappie (:


 "You wanna go to school or skip it?" asked Brax as his housekeeper came to carry our dirty dishes. He was crazy rich. Well practically so was I but I didn't get any of the money.

"I don't feel like going" I told him as I pointed to my bruises.

He nodded and said, "Cool with me. You wanna go home and change or I can just lend you a shirt and a hoodie?"

"I'll take the shirt and hoodie but I'll call in sick to school" I told him. I had to give them a reason since I was on scholarship. I couldn't just not go. He nodded and ran in the direction of the stairs.

I took out my phone and looked at the clock to realize it was 9:15. Dang! How could I be so careless? Classes started an hour and 15 minutes ago. I had 10 missed calls and 5 unread messages. I knew they were my friends. I'll call in sick then I'll text them. I dialed the school number and waited while it rang.

"Hello, Los Angeles' Performing Arts School how may I help you?" spoke the secretary.

"Err... Hey, this is Makaela Peters. I'm just calling in to tell you to please inform my teachers that I won't be coming in today cause I'm not feeling well" I said trying to make my voice sound as groggy as possible.

"Okay Ms. Peters, I'll let them now"

"Thank you" I said hanging up.

Suddenly I heard clapping. I turned and saw Brax leaning against the door-frame of the lounge with a smirk. And god did he look attractive! I gave him a questioning look.

"You're such a good actress I almost bought that myself!" he told me. I curtsied and laughed.

He handed me a shirt and a hoodie. "Here. I know it might be a little big but I picked the smallest shirt I have" he said smiling.

"Thank you! Where's the bathroom?"

"It's the third door on your left and there's a toothbrush and anything else you might need in the cupboard!" he said pointing towards it. I nodded and entered the bathroom. The bathroom is huge! The one is bedroom is bigger though. I didn't look at that one that well when I woke up. This floor was made up of white ceramic and there was grey rags. The sink, toilet seat, jacuzzi etc. was all made up of black marble. Yes, there was actually a jacuzzi in here. I looked in the cupboard and there was a toothbrush. I took that out and brushed my teeth. When I finished brushing my teeth I washed my face and then dried it. I took off the shirt I was wearing and pulled on the shirt he gave me. It smelt so much like him, and boy did he smell amazing. I rolled my eyes at myself and pulled on the hoodie. I found a perfume so I sprayed that on, being careful not to put it on the shirt since it smelled like him and walked out of the bathroom. I went back to the lounge and Brax was sitting there playing Call Of Duty. I love this game! I slumped on the couch next to him.

"Hey" he turned smiling and then turned his head back to the game.

"I wanna play!" I told him excitedly.

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