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Chapter 1 

“A Shivering Case”

“That’s a strange case… Sir ‘; said Faith smiling weakly at him, His gray blue eyes  reflecting her image as she stared.

Faith Hathaway was a new assistant in the psychological department. She was working for Brandon Maxwell, a 52 years old psychologist .Faith didn’t look as if she was 27 years old and she still had braces. She still studied psychology and paid her tuition expenses by working for Brandon. She was petite, pale with long bronze hair and bright green eyes but she was not very wealthy since she lived alone and had not completed her studies.

‘Indeed ‘; Brandon was in his thoughts staring at the man behind the silky white curtains. He was shivering fiercely with pain but no word, scream or even a gasp escaped his mouth.” Who bring him here?” asked Brandon after a deep silence. “A guy in his twenties or something, maybe a friend or a neighbor “; faith muttered. “Hmmm ….. I wonder if he is still there in the waiting room……….mind checking “; he lifted his head. “ Mhm… k “, Faith left.

Brandon Harry Maxwell was a very old man and wisdom flowed in his blood. He was cheerful and funny and has a very weak, small face. He was slightly tall but was very thin. He has a very deep interest in psychology and worked in Bremen Wide hospital for 30 years .The hospital however was 86 years old but was as good and neat as new as it was very much maintained. Brandon kept looking at the shivering figure.

Perhaps , he was going through  hard times …very hard time I must say, Brandon thought.

“Sir…..he is here’ faith said, cutting through his deep thoughts. Brandon moved his eyes to the man next to her. He looked very pale and blurted out “Is he ok? What’s wrong with him…..”.His voice faded away as he looked at the still shaking figure.

“Well, I don’t think he would be fine for a while. We cannot understand his condition. Indeed, he is very shaken and hurt because of something in the past but we don’t know what. Mind telling how you found him?”

The man brushed his hand on his unshaven chin trying to think past the stress. Then he spoke in his German accent. “He is my bio classmate so I came over to his apartment to take notes since I did not attend that class. He was alright the whole time until after he gave me the notes, he started shaking very badly .I thought he was having a seizure like every Tuesday but it was as if he was tortured I panicked and called 911.They said he would need a psychologist after checking him”

“What do you mean he have seizure every Tuesday?” Faith interrupted. “well every Tuesday night, he doesn’t act normal, he sort of……um.. have a seizure or stuff and he like, forgets everything that have happened to him in the whole seven day.”

“How does he act when he have those seizures?” Brandon looked at the pitiful man behind the curtains who was still shaking.

“well… he acts like he is mad…..umm…says it was all his fault and he want to change summat n stuff.” By his expression, the man could not find any words to describe what he saw.

“Did he ever blurted out what he wanna change?” Faith was quite expressionless but her green eyes were gleaming. “No…” he said this in a gloomy voice.

“Are you guys close?” Brandon said softly, rubbing his eyes. It was almost nine in the evening. “Sorta, we hang n stuff…he doesn’t seem  like having any other friends.Can’t trust anyone.” “Anything else strange about his behavior?” faith demanded. She was feeling sleepy too. “Npe..except for tday”

“Anyway, your friend is going to take some time recovering, until then we will let him sleep and inject him food.If he wake’s up he’ll be in the same condition. We can only fix him when we know what cause this behavior. And you go get some sleep” Brandon said, while planning to solve this mystery from tomorrow.

The man did not looked relieved, he just frowned and turned to leave.

“Excuse me, if you don’t mind…………your name?” Brandon remembered he didn’t know his name and needed to know if he ever wanted to question him again.

“oh, I’m Anthony….Anthony Wayne” and he took out his notepad, wrote something and handed it to Brandon “here’s my number and my address,  contact me if I can be any help.” He left after smiling at Faith and one pitiful look at his friend.

“Well doctor, I think he had enough torture for one night” faith pointed at the still shivering figure. “Put him to sleep and stop worrying, Doctor Sharon can take care of him. Get some good sleep and tomorrow we will give this case a very deep thought.”

 Brandon was just about to take his coat from the coat stand when faith suddenly gasped.

 “Doctor…I think…I think he is trying to say something;”

 Brandon turned and came towards the man. The man was still shivering but this time he was trying to make a sound, moving his lips.

“I…i n..n.need  to g..go back.” He stammered. P..p..please t..tell mom sh…she’s ok, I did not hurt her, they did. I just wanted to help…. I…I..” he faded away and yelled as if he was being tortured.

“Quick…where’s the fucking medicine, he needs to get rested” Dr Sharon Henry entered the room. She was black, plump but very fast and talked rapidly and had curly black hairs which she kept in a tight bun. Faith didn’t liked her mostly because of her language and her lame jokes, also because of her accent. She spoke in Australian accent as she had spent most of her life there.

“Doctor I need patience here, he want to say something and I want some answers.” Brandon said concentrating on his patient and pulling out a hand at faith who was filling the injection with the sleeping medicine.

“I…I…..t.t.told her it’s g….g.gonna be alright p.p..please tell….” He yelled with pain and then fainted. Brandon was still looking at him, hoping he would wake up and say something more. Faith sighed and filled the rest of the injection and handed it to Sharon, who looked shocked.

“Tell who what? What the fuck just happened here?” Sharon wondered aloud, her eyes widening. “Well he wanted to tell his mom that…wait..does he have a family oh no, I forgot to ask Mr. Wayne.” Brandon face palmed then sighed. “This old brain needs some rest, we will ask Mr. Wayne about this in the morning and start with questioning his class mates, faith you better get some good sleep because we will have a hard day tomorrow”

He rubbed his face, looked at his watched then turned to Sharon “please go ahead with the medicine and also inject him some food for the night , thank you and good night” He took his coat and opened the door.

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