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Eddie's POV

My phone started ringing; Seamus. Please, let this be good news. I've been driving around town all night trying to find Harley, but she's been no where to be found.

"Hello?" I answered.

"We found her." He replied, almost making my heart skip a beat.

"Thank God." I said with a sigh, letting out all that stress.

"We're down at the bridge," Seamus said. "I'll walk her to the flower shop around the corner. Can you come give us a ride?"

"Of course." I responded while I looked for a place to flip the car around.

I'm not too far from the bridge, and I'll be extremely happy to get Harley to a warm, safe environment.


I stopped the car right in front of the flower shop. It was made of dark red bricks, with a glass door and green awing. Nothing too abnormal, except for a crying girl snuggled up to Seamus on the bench out in front of the store.

He lightly smiled when he say me, then immediately put Harley in the car. Seamus came up to me, making it easier for me to see how warn his face was.

"She... admitting to me her parents abuse her and she self harms because of it. I'll call CPS and in the morning, but don't let her know I told you any of this." He explained.

I felt like a failure, to be honest. I've quickly assumed the big brother role in Harley's life, and I knew nothing about this. I let her get hurt.

"I can't bring her home, then." I responded, feeling a little drained myself.

"I know." He sighed. "Would you mind, putting her up for a few days? I-I'm sure CPS will place her with foster parents soon."

"Don't worry, Seamus. She'll be in good hands with me, alright?" I reassured.

"Yeah, okay. Check in with me in the morning."

I hugged him goodbye, and he ran to get home. Then I got back in the car to see Harley had already changed my radio. She's not much of a Blink-182 fan, but that's okay. Her bands are pretty kickass too.

"Are you cold?" I asked as I saw her utter a shiver.

Harley nodded, to which I turned up the heat and we drove home without a single sound. Then, she finally mumbled a few words when we pulled into the driveway. "This is your house." She said.

"I know." I softly smiled. "You deserve a break."

She looked up at the house through the windshield and her eyes got big. All the sudden, I felt her arms attack me and she was hugging me.

"Thank you." Harley weakly said. Her was was shaking, same as her.

I carried her inside, and set her down on my bed. She instantly fell asleep, poor thing. I'd rather she had my comfy room, than the stiff and lonely guest bedroom.

Chef trotted in and jumped up on the bed. He curled up at her feet, then, surprisingly, Nurse and Cop came and joined. They normally sleep with my parents, but tonight, they're snuggled up against Harley's back.

My mom always tells me, animals can sense when someone is sick or depressed, and they help that person by loving them. I guess she was right.

Jade's POV

The house was quiet when I got home. My mom was still where I left her, and my dad must be asleep downstairs, 'cause his car was in the drive. I checked on the girls to see they were asleep as well, and Brady had dozed off on top of her text books.

Finally, peace and quiet so I can lay down. I crashed on my bed, then glanced at my side table. A small picture of Harley and I was sitting there. It was at homecoming, when we ditched the party and went to the dinner to eat.

God, why did I screw this up? I should have been there for her. I should have seen the signs, and I should have been the man she deserves. Now, I'm nothing but a fuck up.

I sat up on my bed and looked at the picture. Even then, her smile was fake but I never saw it. I'm so sorry I couldn't be all she needed. I'm sorry I couldn't be at her side, and hold her when she needed a shoulder to cry on.

"Jade?" A small voice asked, interrupting my thoughts and making me look up.

Ella was standing there with her hair a mess and her favorite stuffed animal wrapped in her arms. It was a small brown dog with a ribbon on his neck. One eye was missing, but it didn't change how much she loved that thing.

"Yeah, sweetie?" I asked.

"My tummy hurts." She murmured, rubbing her eyes.

"Okay," I replied. "Go lay back down and I'll bring you some medicine."

She coughed in her hand, then mumbled, "Okay."

Ella began to walk back to her bedroom. I ran downstairs and grabbed her some medicine, and some milk to wash it down. When I returned, she was patiently waiting and trying not to fall back asleep.

"Here ya' go, kiddo." I smiled. "If you need anything else, don't be afraid to wake me."

"Okay, I love you." She sleepily replied.

"I love you too." I said as I walked to the door and placed my hand on the light switch.

"Jade?" Ella asked once more, making me stop. "Is your friend going to be okay?"

She must have heard me on the phone earlier, even though I didn't think she was paying attention.

"Yeah." I lied. "Now, get some sleep. I love you."

After closing the door, I attempted to return to my bedroom to finally sleep. I had to lie. Otherwise, she'd ask more questions and it'd be a while. Plus, she's just a kid. She doesn't need to know the truth; I honestly don't know if Harley will be alright.

Woo-hoo, another unedited morning update! I hope you all enjoyed, thanks for reading! Please leave comments, I enjoy the feedback! I Love You, Outlaws,

~Meryl <3

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