imagine for twingii Bellamy x Sterre

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Imagine for Sterre

Warnings – bad language


"I can't believe you got in the fucking way of the truck!" I screamed at Bellamy in our quarters "you got Kane locked up you fuck wit!" I was steaming with anger,

"Sterre please, you'll be called a traitor if anyone hears you." Bellamy spoke quietly

"As if you fucking care, Kane was like a father to you. I highly doubt that it would matter to you if I could locked up as well"

"Please babe I can't lose you too" he looked down at his feet, "your all I have left"

"Well now you have nothing" I spoke making my way towards the door

"Sterre!" he cried grabbing my arm before I could leave "I'm just trying to protect you and this camp. If Kane gave pike to the grounders they wouldn't take us back as the thirteenth clan, they'll attack us. Pike will protect us and I will protect you"

"I don't need your protection" I pulled my arm from his grip "you killed me the moment you stopped Kane from leaving the camp" I walked out of the door, never looking back. The next time I was to see Bellamy was with Octavia beating him up on the cave floor.

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