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Damian Stones

"Doctor, these are twenty lakhs. You keep them and start the treatment I will pay the rest soon. Just in some days" I said to the doctor handing him the check of twenty lakhs.

He nodded and went away.  I turn around to notice my grandmother staring at me, with questioning eyes.

"twenty lakhs are all we are having in our accounts, but you don't worry I will arrange the money." I said holding her hands to give her some hope and I want her to trust me. They gave me a lot now its my turn to return it to them.

My grandmother smiles and kissed my forehead.

"We are proud of having a grandson like you, always remember that." Her words touched my heart directly and tear threaten to come along with the smile on my face.  I nodded.

"Just trust me I will arrange all the money. You just take care of yourself and grandpaa. Okay?" I kissed her hands and she smiled.

"I need to go now" I chipped.

" where?" She asked.

"To arrange the amount, but you don't worry I will manage it." I nodded and she smiled with hope in her eyes.

I nodded her to go to grandpaa and she nodded and went away.

Now I just  don't know how I'm going to do what I already promised her.

Oh god! Help please.....

My friends...
Grandpaa friends...
Grandmaa friends...

These are the sources from which I TRIED to arrange money. I went to everyone personally. Tell them the situation also assure them to give their money back with interest.
I would never have done that if its not about my grandparents. My guardians.

Twenty lakhs..... I have twenty lakhs now. After struggling in this whole past week.

I gave them to doctor and then make my way to my grandparents room.

"Hey son! Come here! See how delicious pies your grandmother had made". I hear my grandfather's   cheerful voice.

Thank god!! He seems to be better now.

I smiled and walked to them and take my seat on the stool nearby.

My grandmother looks at me and offer my the pies. I took one and when I look up I saw tear in her eyes.

"Only one! I know you haven't ate properly in this whole week. Let us all get home, I'm going to make both of you fat by making you eat all the healthy food at home.

Me and my grandpaa chuckles at her antiques, she smiled.

"Son, I want to go home, When will we go to home?" my grandpaa asked.

" stop behaving like a child. We will go home when you will get perfectly fine. Okay??" Chipped my grandmaa.

They are just so cute. Together..

"Damian" .. My grandfather said my name.

He only called me Damian when something is serious.

Oh no..

Not finding my voice I nodded my head.

What he is about to say. My heartbeat accelerated.

"Me and your grandmaa always try our best to give you all the happiness and take care of you like our own child. I know we are not that rich but money never matter to us when it come to your wishes or wants. We spent our all life just to see you happy but you are upset..depressed and it hurts me more that the reason behind your stress is me. So Damian, son, I don't want to see you and your grandmother in stress because of me. I just want you both happy. " my grandfather said..

"No grandpaa you are not stressing us.. No. Its your health we are tense about. You just get alright okay, then we will go to morning walk daily and yeah this time we will take grandmaa along with us too.." I tried to smile but the smile didn't teach to my eyes.

Grandpaa and grandmaa smiled.

Grandpaa hold my and grandmaa hands in his hands and said
"From now you both have to take care of each other. Don't let my absence to affect you both. I will always be  with you two always remember that okay!! And please stop crying you both I don't want to see my two cute dumplings crying in front of me. It hurts more than the death." My grandfather chipped and then suddenly his eyes went wide and then close and his hold on our hands losses.

A gasp release from my grandmaa mouth and my brain is still registering what the hell just happened.

"Grandpaa." I whispers.

I shake him lightly and whispers again. ....." Grandpaa "..

No response.

"Stop acting grandpaa, I know you are kidding. Now wake up otherwise grandmaa is not going to give you pies next time." I said.

"Wake up please.." I whisper again and I saw my Grandmaa's hand flying to her mouth and she began to crying.

Now I know what has just happened but my heart is not ready to accept it.

" grandpaa wake up please and tell Grandmaa to stop crying....wake up please" I said tears spilling out of my eyes and then I turn to grandmaa who is just crying and crying neat my grandpa's neck, holding his hands tightly.

And I'm sitting there helpless and suddenly everything blacked out. I don't know where I'm  and what I'm doing but I know somebody enter the room .doctors and nurses.

They checks grandpaa nerve and then looks at me and and then began to remove the machines attached to grandpaa body.

Suddenly my grandmother turns to me and said.." Please tell him to wake up I'm not going to talk to him now for such a prank. Tell him to wake up please. Please." She began to cry holding my shoulder. Then suddenly she stop. My heart stops beating. Noooo ..... I look at her she is falling over my shoulder like a limp.

"Grandmaa" I whispers.

A nurse run and check her nerves " she's fainted".

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