Maggie's Ending

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I strided up into the prison after scaling the fence

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I strided up into the prison after scaling the fence. I walked straight to my old cell block, and was curious as to why it was just as empty as I had left it when I left. Why did nobody move into my cell while I was away? Anything that was left behind looks like it never even budged an inch from the place it was in six months ago. One thing stood out very much though.

The place was as neat, clean, and tidy as a cell block could get.

Normally when something is left a certain way for a long time, it does tend to collect dust, rot, cobwebs, or rust. The cell was clearly very cared for and cleaned. It was mystifying of who would do this for my cell. My mind hopefully drifted to Maggie. Dreamily sighing, I think to myself 'I can't fucking wait to see her face... '

Eagerness to see her, I start unpacking my survival pack that was slung over my shoulder blade. Unpacking made the cell look like a homey living space. It brought back memories, but I wasn't here right now for memories. I was here for Maggie. And I'm ready to see her. 'So let's go find her.'

Walking outside of my cell's sheet door, I run into Carl and Beth. And of course, Judith sweetly snuggled into Beth's arms made noises of gurgling laughter. Both looked up as my figure caught their eyes. Beth let out an audible gasp and Carl just foze in time. I half smiled and nodded my head in greeting to them.

"Oh my god. (Y/N)! You're back... You're really back! Maggie's gonna be so happy to see you!" Beth walked closer and gave a side hug in welcome. Judith let out another set of giggles. Carl joined after getting over the frozen spell he was put under.

"Maggie getting back from a run right about now. Come on, come on! She'll love this welcome home gift! Carl where's Rick?" Beth chirped cheerily.

"He's possibly already at the gates trafficking the cars in. If he's not, check the gardens." Carl responded to Beth's question of the whereabouts of his father. She sported a smile and took gentle steps forward and down the stairs. Carl and I trailed behind her soon after her. All of the cars were parked and the gates were closed when we reached the front fields. Ahead of us a few yards away stood Rick collecting the run's report from Michonne. The four of us kept going until we reached Rick's side.

Rick turned his head and gave us all a smile. His face, though, when reaching my eyes had an even more welcoming smile. 'He already knew I was here?' In any case, I smiled to my fullest and nodded my head in proper greetings. Michonne looked surprised, but her reaction was reasonable since she had not been here when I arrived back at the prison.

Next to me Beth started waving to someone at the parked cars. "Maggie! Maggie!" The teenage sunshine ray was beaming at the sight of her sister. In the distance Maggie raised her right hand to respond to her sister's gesture. I felt her eyes shift to me. Almost immediately her hand did drop as fast as the box she was carrying. From this far, I couldn't read her eyes but her body language said everything.

Her legs carried her across the distance that separated us. My arms opened and closed as she flung her body onto mine. With the impact she caused, she ended up pushing the both of us on the grass and dirt. She was crying and laughing at the same time. Her arms were securely wrapped around my neck; legs were just as securely wrapped around my waist and head buried in my hair. My arms slithered around her abdomen and pulled her close to me. I sat us up so I was flat on my butt and she was kneeling.

"Oh my god! (Y/N) you... you're back! Thank you... thank you so much for coming b-back..." Maggie half whispered and half laughed in relief. Hands of hers flitted around my face as if checking for wounds or scratches. Finding none and satisfied with the answer, they wrapped their way around my head and pulled it in the have it rest in the crook of her neck. She rested her cheek on the top of my head.

"Hi Maggie... I missed you." I started the conversation. A small chuckle came from above.

"I've missed you, too, (Y/N)." Maggie's voice rang out.

"How've you been? Anything new on runs?"

"No, nothing new. The only thing interesting on them anymore is the different stores we enter and loot. That's about it. What have you seen on your run?"

This made me give a light laugh. "I've seen many walkers. I've almost died in a collapsing building because there was just that many dead. Happy that I survived the fall. I've seen burning walkers. Wanted to see if they could bathe in blue flames. Didn't stick around to find out though."

"Really? Knowing you... you would have kidnapped two of them and used them as test subjects. How far did ya go?"

"I think I walked 74 miles out. When I started back, I ran 74 miles again. So I traveled... 148 miles in total? Correct me if my maths is wrong."

We did this for about 2 ½ hours. Just talking. Maggie was still in my lap, her hands mindlessly playing with my (short/medium/long) hair. One of my hands was behind me supporting my upright position and the other was loosely draped over Maggie's waist. For 2.5 hours we talked about whatever felt like had to be talked about.

Suddenly, I felt something on my mouth. I realized that i hadn't been paying attention to what Maggie was saying as I was daydreaming a little bit. I focused in reality again to find the pressure on my mouth was Maggie's lips. My hands grasped her face gently.

When she pulled away she stated, "I love you. A lot. And right now not even daydreams or distractions should divide your attention away from me. I haven't seen your eyes watch me for a really long time. I haven't seen you for a really long time. Don't look away from me. Cause I can't look away from you."

"Even in my daydreams you're the only thing that has my attention. You know why?"

"Why?" She slightly tilted her head.

"I love you, too, Maggie. So very much... That's why you hold all of my attention." I grinned up at her. A grin of which she gladly returned. Her lips met mine again in another kiss. In the sky, the sun was setting and the sky was unfolding into purples, pinks, yellows, and oranges. It felt perfect.

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