Chapter Thirty Two

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Aye, if y'all haven't listen to J. Cole's album by now.... what are you doing w/ your life guys? Come on now 💙🎧

Authors note:

Long chapter!! And please leave inline comments just because I don't really get a lot of those since my stories are mostly one paragraph😬 but yeah... and idc if some of y'all think my story is "unrealistic" it is called a fan fiction for a reason so please, if you are going to be negative about it then just DON'T READ IT!! There are actually people who enjoy and I appreciate those people so this chapter is dedicated to them💟💟


Jason's P.O.V

I bang on the door as hard as I can, not even caring at this point, not any more. I look around at the apartment complex I was at and glare at the door. I keep banging when all of a sudden it is ripped open to reveal a lady in a tank top and grey baggy shorts and a robe wrapped around her, a cigarette hanging from her lips. I squint at her as her eyes widen at me. "J-Jason?" She asks surprised. "Beatrice?" I asked her, just as shocked. "God, you look... horrible." I say. Her eyes narrow at me slightly. "What are you doing here? I thought I left your sorry ass a long time ago." She takes the cigarette from her mouth to breath out some smoke. It takes everything in me not to strangle her right then and there. "I should fucking end your life right here, right now. Why shouldn't I? Huh? Why shouldn't I fucking do this world a favor and get rid of you?!" I screamed at her. She jumped back in fear and her eyes showed me that she was now terrified. Good. I take steps closer to her just for her to back up with every one of my steps that I would take until I was inside her crappy apartment. I lift my hoodie right above my waist to show her the gun I had hidden there. Her eyes flick to the deathly metal black object before coming back up to my stone cold stare, tears in her eyes as she began to shake and beg me for her life. "J-Jason please! I'm sorry! I never meant anything by what I-I did!" She held her arms out in fear. "MY DAUGHTER IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU! A DAUGHTER YOU NEVER EVEN TOLD ME ABOUT!" I screamed at her, trying to get my own tears under control, I pull the gun out and hold it to her head, my jaw clenched. "Jason, please." She whispered as tears escaped her eyes. "I'm sorry." She kept it up. I roll my eyes. "It's too late for sorry bitch." I whispered threateningly. Right when I was gonna pull the trigger, I hear something coming from the living room. "Who else is here?" I asked her, my voice hard and full of authority. She shook her head and ignored me. Then I heard a voice.

"Mommy!" I hear a small, precious voice call out.

I look down at Beatrice. "You got a kid here?" I ask her. She nodded, still crying and sobbing. "Y-yes please Jason." She whispers. "How old is it?" I asked her. "S-she's seven," she gasps out. My heart rate picks up. "What do you mean she's seven? Jazzy is seven. We had Jazzy together." I tell her Mather of factly. She nodded. "T-that's Cami-" I cut her off by shoving her away from me and sprinting to the living room, jumping over a flipped over coffee table in the process to come face to face with a little girl with blonde hair pulled into two little pigtails and blue/green eyes that held a couple of tears as she sat on the dirty floor with her legs spread out in front of her with the exception of her right leg being bent so she could hold her small foot in her hands. I can't take my eyes off her. It seemed impossible. I was so lost in staring at her that I didn't realize that even more tears were now streaming down her sweet angel like face. "W-who are y-you?" She asks me, crying. I break out of my gaze and shake my head, looking down and see her foot is bleeding from all the glass laying on the floor from the coffee table I'm guessing. My eyes softened and I slowly shuffle my feet over to her. When I get to her, I bend down to her level and look into her eyes deeply. I place my hand on the side of her face so I'm cupping her cheek. "C-Camilla?" I asks her, unsure and with tears in my eyes. She gives me a weird look. "Y-yes sir?" She asks politely. I let out a sob and swoop her into my arms carefully, holding her as tight to my body as I could, pressing her head gently in to the crook of my neck as I kissed her hair and head repeatedly. I couldn't let her go even if I tried. "O-oh my God, y-you're here, you're a-alive!" I sob into her hair. I then look down at her foot to see it still bleeding quite a bit and I shift her body slightly so she's now sitting on my hip. "What happened sweetheart?" I ask her softly. "I step on glass!" Her lip wobbles slightly. I hush her quietly and bounce her gently in my arms. "Shh sweetheart, where's the bathroom?" I ask as I start walking farther into the disgusting apartment and let her lead me to the extremely small and cramped bathroom. I reluctantly set her down on the old sink and grab some tissue since I couldn't find any source of any type of first aid no matter how hard I looked. I gently wrap her ting foot up and lift her back into my arms. All of a sudden I hear her stomach growl and I look at her face to see her smiling sheepishly at me. "You hungry baby?" I ask her. She nodded slowly and I carefully walk to the fridge where I see nothing but beer bottles and wine and expired milk along with some rotting cheese and molding bread. I scrunch my face up in disgust and look through all the cabinets to see the same result as the last: nothing. I feel anger start to course through my veins at the fact that my child was literally starving and all that her 'mother' had was alcohol for her own benefit. "Is it okay if I take you out to eat?" I ask her. She nods quickly. "P-Please?" She asks me. I nod and smile lightly. "Where are you're shoes sweetie?" "By the d-door." She answers and points in the direction of the exit. I make my way over and set her down so she can put on some extremely old and worn out shoes that looked like they were too small for her. Nothing but anger and sadness fills me up as I swoop her back into my arms once she's done with putting her shoes on and make my way out. "I'm taking her to get something to eat and when we get back you better hope that God himself will end your life before I do." I tell her, my voice low so my daughter wouldn't be able to hear me. She shakes in her own skin and I smirk as I walk out of her pathetic excuse of a home...

I watch sadly as my daughter devours her second kids burger at McDonald's along with some fries and chicken nuggets hungrily. I had a Big Mac and fries but had soon lost my appetite once I saw just how hungry she really was. "It's good?" I ask her quietly, playing with my straw and glancing up at her. She nods as she continues to stuff her face with food. "Hey slow down baby girl, you'll get sick. Nobody's gonna take it from you." I smile lightly but frown when I see something flash through her eyes and her chubby cheeks slightly blush a light pink. She looks around quickly and slowly chews her food before swallowing. "J-Jason?" She asks. "Yes?" My eyes meet hers. "What's gonna happen?" She looks down at her food slightly. I sigh, "I was kind of hoping that you would wanna go home with me, to my house." I bite my lip, waiting for her answer. "W-why?" She asks me as she takes a sip of her sprite. I shrug, "Uh, b-because I- I-" I don't know how to tell that I'm her father and honestly, I'm kind of scared to, I'm scared of her reaction. I take in a deep breath and get myself ready to just spill the truth, I was sick and tired or keeping all of these secrets and lies built up in me. "C-Camilla you know how you haven't had a daddy with you for a while?" I ask her slowly. She nods carefully. "W-well I'm here now." I scratch the back of my neck nervously. I glance up to take a look at her expression and see her just staring at me, almost in a daze. "Y-you're my daddy?" She points at me. I nod slowly. "I'm just as lost as you are sweetheart but yeah, I'm your dad and I'm here now. You have a twin sister who lives with my sister, your aunt Rachel." I give her all of this information as if I expect her to process it all even when in reality, I'm slowly trying to process it all as well. She's silent for a while. "W-what about my m-mommy?" She asks me quietly. I fight the urge to roll my eyes at that pathetic excuse of a woman. "She'll stay there and you can come with me. I have a big big big house with lots of fun toys and games and you have a sister and I have a girlfriend who is super super nice and pretty." I try to make everything seem perfect, I mean it will all be perfect as soon as I take my little girl home with me after seven years of not knowing she even existed. "So you wanna come home with me?" I ask her. She thinks about it for a while before replying.

"Y-yes please."


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So what did y'all think? This was a long chapter lol but anyways I hope y'all enjoyed it and I would greatly appreciate it if y'all let me know what y'all would like to happen in the future and all that good stuff then maybe I could work with it and have even more chapters do this book because I'm still debating on whether I'm gonna have a sequel to this book or not.. ANYWAYS please please please vote and comment and I would honestly love to hear from y'all!!

P.S I guess y'all can tell I'm from Texas because of how many times I put y'all💀😂😂

65 comments for next chapter !!


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