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This is for the record.

Day 1

I dont have much time, so I'll make this quick. I cant tell you who I am, or why I cant tell you that. On the other hand, I can tell you my story of what happened here.

A lot of bad shit happened after the priveliged left Earth. So I took it upon myself to tell you what happened...

Day 2

In the year 9819, a terrible disease called infectious began to spread through the world. Eventually, it killed off enough people that the world leaders decided to leave Earth and go to other worlds. each country was permitted up to 7 ACSS Mach 8.5 rockets- the newest space transports of that time. the transports were free to use, but each had a maximum capacity- which meant that it was first come, first serve. I was one of the 15,000 that missed the rockets and were forced to stay. after the priveleged- the ones that got to leave- left, the disease disappeared. The scavengers- the people who were left- began to think that we had gotten the better deal. We were happy- until the rising.

Day 3

The peace on Earth lasted a decade. But soon there was a new disease. This new disease- called Ruin- changed people to something terrible. I eventually had no choice but to run from my home in Iowa to the west coast. But I vow to go back there... some day...

Day 4

I am about to run. I just want my family to know- I hope you- - - - - - -.......

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