I grinned and slipped my phone back into my clutch and sat on his lap for the ride. "So why didn't anyone tell me we were going to Paris?" I shouted over all the boys who were either singing or talking loudly.

The music shut off and the boys fell silent. I furrowed my brow and rolled my eyes. My arms folded over my chest and I leaned back in the seat, shifting uncomfortably. "Well...." Louis started but stopped quickly after that and turned the radio up as loud as it could go. I saw his mouth moving but didn't hear anything but the blasting music that pierced everyone's ear drums. I grabbed my ears to block out the music, which was shut off after a few seconds.

"Bloody hell Louis!" Harry shouted, covering his ears which were probably ringing like mine. Louis laughed and pulled into the airport.

"Our stuff is already there, we just need to get there before it takes off," Liam said, running into the airport and putting his hood up over his hat and adjusted his glasses. The rest of the boys did the same except me, looking like a retard and running in heels in a skimpy dress. I kicked my heels off and ran with them in my hand, catching up to all of them to catch our flight.

We were all out of breath by the time we made it to our correct gate and we ran in, throwing the tickets at the two ladies in the front and scurried onto the empty plane. The boys flopped down onto different seats while I lifted my arms over my head and stood standing, taking in deep breaths.

"I got my exercise in for the month," Niall panted, putting a huge smile on my face. All of our faces were red from our sprint through the whole airport.

"So Harry, whose your valentine?" Louis asked. It's been an hour that we've been on the plane and everyone had changed into lounge wear. I wore gray sweatpants and a bright electric blue tank top that hugged my upper body.

Harry tapped his chin then grinned, "You." Louis gasped and crawled over to Harry and climbed on top of him, causing Harry to fall onto his back with Louis on top. "What about you, Ashley?" Harry managed to get out before pushing Louis off. Louis growled then nibbled on Harry's arm.

"I don't have one," I laughed. Niall's grip around my waist became tighter when I answered. I was sitting on his lap in our little circle we made on the floor. Niall coughed trying to get my attention. "Excuse me but you never asked me," I said, turning around and raising my eye brows. He frowned and I giggled softly, kissing him gently then turning back to the boys.

"Don't worry Larry, we won't tell Kevin, Eleanor, Piper, or Caroline!" Zayn joked. Everyone glanced nervously at Harry who laughed. Something was wrong though, it was like a robotic laugh, very fake and cold. Harry seemed a bit distant.... We all chuckled softly and quickly changed the subject, trying to avoid any touchy subjects.

Harry excused himself shortly after that and was gone for a few minutes before bursting out from the bathroom naked and shouted, "For Narnia!". Niall quickly shielded my eyes with his hands, and I put my hands over his hands for a double barrier. I heard someone whistle then someone sigh. Niall uncovered my eyes when Harry covered himself with a blanket.

I ran my hands through my hair and pulled myself off of Niall's lap and stretched my stiff body out. A yawn escaped from my lips and I rubbed my eyes. My eyelids were so heavy, it was a struggle to keep them up.

Niall got up right after me and took my arm and led me over to a seat and helped me down. He bent down and brushed the hair off my forehead and replaced the hair with a warm kiss. “Get some rest. I’ll wake you up when we start seeing the city from the windows,” he whispered, smiling wide. I let out a small nod and curled up on the seat and shut my eyes.

A few minutes after I laid down, someone covered me with a blanket. There was a bit of shuffling and muffled noises but I shook them off and concentrated on falling asleep. I heard “Stand Up” start to play, but realized I wasn’t listening to my I-pod.

The First of February (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now