“Well he was hot and he looked totally into you.” She continued whilst smoothly driving out of the car park and onto the road. I secretly wanted it to stop like Cooper’s did the night before, it shows that everything isn’t perfect, things have flaws. Such as stopping in the road, or having a door welded shut. Anything that was perfect was a dream and if a person thought it was perfect, they were living in that dream.

“He was hot, but not totally into me, how was Josh?” I asked, desperate to chance the subject, she tapped the wheel happily with a wide grin on her face.

“Amazing, he was a gentleman about everything.” I cringed, I didn't want to know about that, I wanted to know how nice a guy he was, not how a good a bed date he was.

“I mean during the date at the grill.” I said quickly, her shoulders slumped but she decided to spill everything anyway.

“Well, he was nice enough but was constantly talking about his music, I wasn’t interested but I had to sit and listen to him rabbit on about some crap that I really didn't care about. I was glad to shut him up at my house.” I raised both of my eyebrows, how could she not be interested in talk about his music, if it was important to him then she should’ve cared. But then, she wasn’t interested in him anyway, she was interested in her challenge.

“If he’s passionate about it, then he will talk about it.” I countered, shuffling uneasily in my seat and kicking the handle of my bag.

“Yeah but I’m passionate about Dior and you don’t see me going on about it all day.” I rolled my eyes and looked out of the window at the passing tourists, all looking at maps and walking the streets excitedly. It was weird to wonder what their life was like but I was soon snapped out of his by Layla’s voice.

“Why were you at the pavilion anyway?” She asked curiously, stealing a look at me.

“My Dad had a load of friends over, I stayed there after skating.” At least I didn't lie about it this time.

“Strange, why didn't you just stay at mine?” I wanted to throw my hands up in exasperation but instead I ignored her and got out of the car when she arrived outside of the shop.

“See you later.” I said before slamming the door to make my point and walking into the shop without a backwards glance.

Miss Holdana was still upstairs when I opened up but Tyke was sprawled out on his belly in the middle of the carpet.

“Hey boy,” I whispered which made his ears prick up and his eyes open lazily. He stretched out and rolled onto his back so that I could rub his belly. His fur was rough against my fingers and he let out a dog like groan when I gave his a scratch.

“Is that you Ally?”

Miss Holdana’s voice echoed down the stairs and I straightened up.

“Yeah, it’s me, is everything okay?” I called back but she appeared in the doorway with a smile on her face.

“Good morning honey.” She moved away from the stairs and sat down in her usual plush chair, still smiling.

“What’s put you in such a good mood?” I asked with a grin as I moved behind the till to open it up and put the change in there again.

“Well, I bought myself a car.” She said at last, I then found myself gaping at her with my jaw wide open. What would a ninety year old woman want with a car? Isn’t it dangerous to get out on the road at that age?

“Wow, what type?” I leant forward on the counter, taking in her smiling face as she told me about the old classic car that was the first car her and her husband shared years ago.

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